2007 Tranny problem (Auto)

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PCH Cruisin

Oct 6, 2008
Reaction score
Encinitas, CA
I know there were some discussions about tranny problems in the newer ST's that could be self-fixed. Could someone direct me to one of those, please.

All of a sudden my V8, 4x4, when cold especially, has trouble down-shifting when coming to a stop or slowing down. It also seems to shift hard when moderately accelerating, also when cold. By cold I mean sitting for a while...it doesn't really get too cold here!

Does this sound similar to the previous discussions? Any help would greatly appreciated.

Thanks, John
Agreed with Mike... worked for me. The only problem with disconnecting is that you have to re-do the fix once in a while. My tranny problem comes back - I disconnect - and it runs perfect for a while. Done it twice in the last 10k miles.

My '07 4x2 has done this when it has been setting for a while. I took it in to have the "computer" or whatever it is cleared once at around 10,000 miles and it started doing it again at around 15,000 miles. I am supposed to make an appt to have it looked at again soon. If it continues doing it, I may look at some alternative solutions??? I am not going to have to worry about clearing the system every 5,000 miles during the life of the ST!!!! I've owned 4 new vehicles over the last 15 years (well, I had one that I drove all the time and the wife has had 3 different ones!!!!), anyway, I know it is not me and my driving...something funky is going on with the tranny.
I had these problems and recently went in for the TSB correction. It worked for abotu a week....now it;s back to the thud at a stop and surging at a steady speed.

I will try the DINGO "FIX" (Disconect the battery touch the two cables together then re-attach, drive it full throttle for a while) to see if it fixes it.

I still have not heard how long you need to DRIVE like a BAT OUTTA HELL to get the computer to relearn......2 tank fulls, 100 miles!? Or if you need to drive this way periodically!?
make sure when you do the self fix you are standing on your head :lol:

i cannot beleive this issue is still out there :(
Thanks Everyone, I appreciate the info. This is my second ST (2001) and I've enjoyed them both except for a couple of annoyances. Hope this doesn't turn into something serious. Okay, going out now to pull the cables and stand on my head!!! ;)

It drives me crazy everytime I drive it.

However, It was considerablly worse when I installed the 93 octane tune. It shifted way to slow and actually clunked and jumped forward while downshifting. Toward the end of that tank of gas it was 90% ok.

Now I'm playing with the 87 economy tune. Feels just like stock right now although it seems to shift ok.
You have to look at it like an oil change. You need to drain the old electrons out, then refill from the battery! Change the electrons in the transmission every 5000 miles!:p
It's been a few months now for me with various trans issues on my truck. The battery trick worked for me and none of the probs have come back. I've done this trick only once and everything seems to be holding well.

I drove it hard for just a week and now that I'm driving like an old man again :) it's still working well and hasn't returned to the same ol, same ol.

In my case, I removed both cables, touched them together for about 5 seconds and left them off the battery for exactly 30 min.
My 2007 Limited is the same after three times to the dealer, it's good for a week. $41,000 for this?

Never, never again. The sooner ford goes belly up the better as far a I am concerned. Now if we could only get Toyota to build an F150.

Had enough Ed
I honestly believe this whole transmission issue has more to do with the design of the torque converter than the transmission itself. The link I posted a few weeks ago to the message board at Blue Oval News explained it pretty well. If your vehicle was built before the end of 2006 you will probably notice it more than one built later. From what I gathered the later vehicles probably have the latest programming so having the dealer apply the latest TSB could be a waste of time (but that's just a guess on my part). Mine was built the first week of 2007 and I have not had it to the dealer yet. What I have experienced seems to jive pretty well with the info on BON. If you have a habit of coming to abrupt stops and/or then try to accelerate away from the stop quickly you will be more likely to feel a "bump" when the transmission downshifts from 2nd to 1st gear. This is due to the lack of a coast feature in the torque converter unlike most other automatics. This design is intended to provide better fuel economy since there is less slippage in the higher gears which in theory should provide fuel economy similar to a manual transmission. Unfortunately at lower speeds its like having a clutch that is out of adjustment and does not fully disengage. The latest TSB supposedly adjusts the point when the 2-1 downshift occurs in an attempt to make it less noticeable but it will never fully eliminate the problem. To make matters worse, the programming is adaptive meaning it "learns" your driving habits. If you drive in a jerky as opposed to a smooth manner the programming assumes this is how you want the shifts and therefore it exaggerates the problem. Clearing the memory by disconnecting the battery will probably help at least until it relearns the jerky driving habits. Unfortunately, we don't always have the luxury of driving like grandma but apparently the damned computer doesn't want us to drive like your average sixteen year old either.

I got mine new at the end of Feb this year..... Have little problems but not an exagerated feeling.

I'm looking forward to getting the SCT Tune from Torrie to see how the shifting issues change better/worse with the tuner!
My trans problems started at 10K miles and now at 15K miles, it is progressively worse. Its a royal pain in the A$$. I love the truck, right size, comfortable and drives great........everything about it is sweet..........except this terrible transmission. I would like to slap the entire powertrain design team that came up with the "adaptive learning". I have owned Fords since the late 60's, this is my last one.

I understand this transmission is coming out in the 2009 F150. If so, Ford making a horrible mistake that will cost them dearly.
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