Just because the sign is posted "not responsible" does not mean they are without fault and not responsible. At most dealerships the sign reads Not resposible for items left in your vehicle. Well the garage area anyway.
When you leave a valuable possesion with a business, (the car or truck)
You are assuming they are going to protect your valuable. You in trust that they are going to do a good job and you are going to be happy with your experience with the business.
The fact that the dealership claims they are not resposible for your vehicle at all is just not so... By them taking the keys from you, they are assumng some responsibilty~~They try to hide behind the words on the service contract. When push comes to shove they are resposible for every vehicle on their lot and on their showroom and garages. Most people figure well I signed the contract so that's that....wrong!
I wonder if they had an alarm system in their garage"? (you would think they would, because if they don't then they are not being very resposible or safe with anyones vehicle)
Doesn't it sound kinda of funny for a dealership to say: " I want your business, give us your keys, oh and by the way..we are not responsible at all for your vehicle"
They assumed some responsibilty the moment they took your business and keys.
Just some things to ponder..
Good luck to you, like the others said your insurance should take care of it.