47% Will Pay No Income Taxes for 2009

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I hate getting taxed 40% on Bonus money! That is totally outrageous.

I'd rather get raises than bonus money...

Glad you're on board with the Fair Tax!:supercool:

Saw someone pitching the Flat tax the other day, stating how simple it would be,

just take your income, take 11.5 percent and send it to the IRS.

all income levels, across the board. Thought of Bush Sr. with his postcard

suggestion. The Fair Tax, is more complex, but alot more fair to all.

The underground economy is huge in this country, they will pay their fair share.
I'm on a very limited income while I'm looking for nursing jobs (or any job, for that matter). I paid no income tax this past year. But I got a $400 US Treasury check as part of the Stimulus rebate. Then the IRS sent me a form and letter reminding me that I may qualify for Earned Income Credit and that I hadn't claimed it on my taxes. I was told to complete the form and mail it back. Apparently, I qualify for EIC and I have another $454 on the way.

Weird. I never heard of the IRS actively reminding people about possible refunds and rebates that they missed when filing their tax forms. I was always under the impression that if you missed a credit, then too bad.
About 20 years ago, the late Paul Harvey asked if all the money we paid at the Federal, State, and Local levels for welfare, food stamps, unemployment, subsidized rent, tax credits, etc were collected and just given out freely to anyone on welfare, how much income could we guarantee them.

The answer was an astonishing $70K a year income, but not for each family, but for every man, woman and child who were on welfare at that time. Let's just give them the money and make them pay taxes on their $70K income each year.....That would do more to relieve everyone's taxes

In reality, most of the walfare money collected in taxes goes to administer the programs and pay the salaries of the people working in the various welfare agencies.

We could easily eliminate poverty by doing away with all the welfare programs and just simply give the money to anyone who wanted it. Of course that is not the solution, but it does show how much of our taxes is wasted in buracratic paperwork where nearly 90% of the money we pay for our welfare system goes to keep employed people employed so they can pay the people who are unemployed the rest of our money???

The solution then is to stop all welfare payments and have each citizen keep the money for themselves, or if the money is still collected via taxes, it could go to pay our deficit. Imagine that.

If people will come thousands of miles illegally from El Salvador to Maryland for work, then there is work to be had, and no excuse for being unemployed. Just because your job might suck is no excuse for not having one.

This morning I saw a bunch of hispanics digging holes to plant trees and manage drainage on the median and shoulders of the main drag to Annapolis this morning. If there are jobs to attract people from thousands of miles away, there's no excuse for the cornerside beg-a-thon going on a few miles north.
I have to Pay this year also, and I have 3 children living at home. My youngest son is 16, my daughter is 19, and my oldest Son is 22, and has Epilepsy. His medication controls the seizures, and he has had several part time jobs. He made just over $5300 gross last year. He lives at home, and I cannot claim him, even though I provide most of his support.

Here is what we run into:

- Since his medication controls the seizures, he cannot be deemed disabled because he can and he wants to work.

- He does not qualify for medicare or SSI assistance because he lives at home, and has no expenses other than his medication and doctors office visits.

- I cannot have him on my company insurance because they are "Self Insured" and thus the new laws in my state do not apply to them.

- The "Time Release" medication that we would rather he take is $290 a month. Our doctor advised us to inquire to the manufacturer to see if we could get it at a discount, thru their program, but they say his mom and I make too much to qualify because of the "total household income"

- The medication he is now on is a genetic, and while he gets it much cheaper, it has to be taken many times a day, and has more side effects.

- He has to disclose on an employment application that he has Epilepsy in case he has a seizure on the job. To not do so opens him up for a lawsuit if something happened.

- While employers are technically "not to discriminate" against people with Epilepsy, we all know most would just bypass an application with no just cause, and no one would be the wiser.

There are others, but you can see the point. We could lie in some of these instances, but that is not how I was raised, and not how I raised my children. I jsut wanted to say that just because someone has children, doesnt mean we get a big refund.
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Obama said that if you made less than $200K a year that you would not have to pay even one cent more in taxes, however I noticed that my withholding taxes went up, and some of the deductions on the 1040 form have been reduced or going away completely.

In my opinion, increasing taxes or reducing tax deductions is still a tax increase when I have to pay more taxes !!

I am fortunate this year because I bought a new home, I am eligible for the $6500 tax credit. Last year I had to pay an additional $2000 so I increased my deductions so I would be paying an additional $2600 in withholding taxes just so I did not get hit for another $2000K at the end of the year.

The IRS wanted me to pay Quarterly Estimated Taxes. You don't have to, but they push that as if it was a requirement, but I think they want their money earlier to pay for Obama-Care, etc

Don't get me started on taxes, not only now, but in the future to pay for this administration's programs.
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I have a sticker that I I put on my toolbox when I worked at Ford Motor Company at Atlanta Assy plant that stated "Keep on working...millions on welfare depend on you" I got certain people really upset at me for that one.

Y'all have a good one

I know what you mean. One of my coworkers, who lives in an ivory tower and is a devout socialist (shoot, almost all of them are, sadly), went on a tirade just after seeing this thread.

One of my more distant coworkers has an office adorned with Right-wing paraphernalia, and she's become a pariah for it. Shoot, I'm anathema almost in my department for being a "right-wing conservative", which anyone who isn't a hard-lining socialist is deemed.

(Which is why music, politics, and religion are the 3 killers of any sort of relationship, professional or personal)

Socialists know that their system is doomed to fail, they just can't abide by anyone else knowing it, so it seems.

Fox News posted this handy calculator to show you what your share tax burden is and what your share of the wonderful economic stimulus is.