$813.28 for WHAT???

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Robert Caffyn

Well-Known Member
Apr 8, 2008
Reaction score
Forked River, NJ
I have to rant about this one. Left the trac with my mechanic for new plugs, a tranny filter and flush.

Plugs: $140.00 ($17.50 per?) From Ford dealer.

Trans filter: $39.00 From Ford dealer

Mercon V: $181.00 (have no idea how much is used)

Brake cleaner: $12.00

Environmental fees: $8.67

Plus tax

2 hours to change the plugs

2 hours to change the tranny filter

8/10's of an hour to flush the tranny

1/2 hour to check for DTC's

1/2 hour to really clean the MAF sensor (guess I didn't do a good enough job)

Plus tax

Did I just get beat by my friend the mechanic?(used him for past 20 years) I just can't believe this one, I called him today and asked why so much? Had to soak plugs for 4 hours before taking them out, he charged me what Ford charges for the parts(blame them). He found an old code in the computer about the A/C clutch relay?? Reset it. Checked the harmonic balancer for looseness, none found. All this, plus tax...I feel pretty bad about this one. BC :angry: :argue: :banghead: :cry: :cry:
I know my Ford dealer said the Gen 2 V8 plug change would run $400-500 if they did not have to remove a head.

I got it done for $65 plus the cost of the plugs.
Remind me never to buy one of those. Mine uses regular plugs. $1-$2 each. 'had a fellow change the trans fluid for under $100. I am sorry that I talk stink about your Trac but my '02 6 banger works great for me. Ed
Sorry for your pain on that one Bob. Ouch.

This will be a reminder to me of asking my mechanic (or the dealer) for an estimate before I have work done next time. Many mechanics, like the dealer tend to charge a minimum of a 1/2 hour labor no matter the task, and probably go by the flat rate manual.

You didn't say if you asked for DTC's to be checked or to clean the MAF cleaner. If not I wouldn't accepted the charge if that wasn't specifically authorized. Unless you mentioned to him of other symptoms or issues...that may have provided the latitude to look at the other things.

Hopefully your ST is running well.

Are the plugs in the v8 that hard to change?? I was thinking my next one would be a v8, but if the lovely engineers desinged it so you can not maintain it, I dont want one either!
Book time is 2 hours for the plugs and 2.3 hours for the trans filter. If you are changing the trans filter than I wouldn't bother with flushing the trans, I do one or the other on customer vehicles. Only in very rare cases will I do both. I clean Mafs for free, realisticially all you are doing is spraying off the sensor wire as the design of the newer sensors prohibits any other type of cleaning...you are going to do just as good of a job as your mech does at this. Half hour for a code pull sounds excessive to me especially if that's all he did was pull a code and reset it...was the check engine light on and if it wasn't why was he in the pcm in the first place?? $12 for brake cleaner, I'm sure he is using it to clean up a mess that he will be making...he made the mess it's his dime to clean it.
That seems pretty high to me. I recently had some work done to mine:

1. New plugs

2. New wires

3. Upper and Lower radiator hoses

4. New serpentine belt.

5. Flush and fill radiator while changing hoses.

6. Cleaned MAF

Total cost...just under $400

I had a 105K on the TRAC and this was the first tune up.

Totally happy with the work!!