$900k Marlin

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Andy Chase

Well-Known Member
Feb 29, 2008
Reaction score
Coon Rapids, MN
How'd you like to be one of these two guys:

Guy catches an 883lb Marlin during a tournament. Finds out a hired deckman didn't buy his $5 license and the fish is DQ's from the tournament. :fire::smack:
have been in several tourneys off the Kona coast.

Only interest most boat boys have (in my experiance), is selling you some Kona gold, and I do not meen the coffee.
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A final decision on this has not been made yet. It may end up in the NC Court system.

You have to blame this on the Charter Captain. It's his job to check employees' licences and certifications.


"NC provides a "Block of 10" licenses to boat owners or business owners of boats that covers all anglers fishing from that boat. There are stipulations to that $150 license in that the boat must be over 23 feet in length and either registered with NC or with the Coast Guard as a documented vessel. The license is valid for 10 days."

He should have purchased the license.

Mate who got busted bought his license AFTER the boat docked- he knew he was illegal and tried to cover up- so did the captain. Captain apparently failed the polygraph given to all winners before the checks are handed out.

I fished in the Drambuie Marlin Tournament here a few years ago- boring fishing, but extemely hot girls on the new 65 Hatteras.......:grin:

shoulda made sure your crew was all licensed up...kinda common sense to have a fishing license on a fishing boat lol