A Nation of Sheeple

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And, Andy, it was my point that those same people that "attacked" Bush for not doing more after Katrina hit are the same that "attack" him now when he tries to take over more governmental control to avoid future local govt fiascos like we saw in NO; that's why I said "damned if you do, damned if you don't".

I too think the better solution is LESS government and more personal responsibility. But NO, Katrina was all about "hep me, hep me!"

Too many people think the government's main function is to fix things when something doesn't go their way. Too many people in the government think that way too.

Fellas, keep the language clean, ok? Thanks.

If a civil war ever broke out again we would be quickly put in our place like a bunch of rowdy kindergardeners. Men aren't men anymore, not enough of em' anyway.

You presume that the federal military would actually follow orders to put down a rightful insurection. Perhaps they wouldn't. Perhaps the rebels cause would be so strong that they'd be sweeping down the street behind a friendly-to-the-cause M1A1 tank.

"That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government..." -- a bunch of smart, dead guys.
Sorry Rich, I forget this is a family site, with all the dirty political talk and all.

On the lighter side, an HR person told me you can refer to someone as an ******* and it is neither a profanity or a sexually harassing term, everyone has an *******, making it a politically correct term.

Now if you call them a ****, that's getting you fired. :lol:
You presume that the federal military would actually follow orders to put down a rightful insurection. Perhaps they wouldn't. Perhaps the rebels cause would be so strong that they'd be sweeping down the street behind a friendly-to-the-cause M1A1 tank.

"That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government..." -- a bunch of smart, dead guys.

That's a dangerous hope to form a revolution on. You'd need something big enough of a pisser for every citizen to rally behind before even hoping that the military would turn. But they don't do it that way, they do it gradually, one little bit of freedom at a time until it just becomes normal. No one remembers it any other way, kind of like I used to be able to smoke anywhere, now I'm not. A gentle phasing out of freedoms.

There's a thing called conspiracy. We can all go to jail for this thread. This thread can be considered a conspiracy to commit treason. But how can you have treason in a country where it is our right to abolish the government? Who's the government governer? Who says "Okay, you can overthrow the government? What's the supreme court doing lately? Will they give us the right to stage a coup? Who runs this coup? Who will set up the interim government, or is that what we're rebuilding Iraq for? Is this the system that the illuminati put in place? Does the Iraqi supreme court say, "OK American government has become destructive of those ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government." Thanks for the permission guys, we appreciate it after the whole liberation thing. It won't happen because money says it won't happen. If we drop the status quo, we have no money. In God we trust because we're praying that our economy backed bills stay worth something, that's it, they're paper man, drop the government, no way, my cell phone won't work, my computer won't work, we'll be a fourth-world country and all the other third world countries will pee on us. Oh man, we'll be peons. No way, who'll take care of my blog? I guess Bush wasn't so bad. What will happen on Lost? Who will win Survivor this year... the cute chick that's now anorexic, or the fat naked guy? No way man, save overthrowing the government for the next generation. Government will fix itself, the republicans will save us, if not them the democrats will save us, gee I hope an independant woman minority president is elected, and no one assasinates her, that will fix everything. Maybe we can get that Jack Bauer guy to protect her. We can't stage a revolution, it will throw the world into chaos. Without the american dollar everything and everyone else is worthless. What's gonna happen to my ipod? In a society where the best thing that could happen to america's youth is a draft, how do you establish one without triggering a revolution? You don't. How do you get the youth to volunteer for the military? Offer them a camoflauge Ipod. What came first, the amoeba or Barbara Bush?

None of it matters, no one cares, that's the society we have. We replace the job interview with a computer and a background check, if you can beat simon, you can have a job. You need to figure out the employment kiosk to stock shelves at walmart. Peoplesoft says he's ok. This is why we have employment issues, no one gets a degree to stock shelves, that's not on the guidance counselor's poster. We replace 3 cashiers with 1 cashier to monitor 4 self-checkout areas. Who cares if we lose a few dollars because an item didn't scan properly, what's more important is that we're pissing off the customer trying to use this thing.

Customer service sucks so bad everywhere, companies acknowledge it and try to market it. "We have better customer service! It's half as crappy as our competitors." Who cares, I'll accept th
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Actually, it's "degrade",(v.tr.), or to "reduce someone in quality or rank".;

Actually, it's "degenerate',(n.) or "one who is deteriorated or depraved in

manners or morals", as in Ellen DeGenerate (the comedian).

Both, as "sic" (posted), are true. (English Majors, help a 'Fellow' out here)!

As nobleman posted, I can't type that much (right now)!

And as Walter E. Williams stated, the "Posse is Comin' at us", so we'd

better be ready!!!

Trac'rs Unite...

We Shall Overcome... (I Hope!). :unsure:
Main Entry: den·i·grate

Pronunciation: 'de-ni-"grAt

Function: transitive verb

Inflected Form(s): -grat·ed; -grat·ing

Etymology: Latin denigratus, past participle of denigrare, from de- + nigrare to blacken, from nigr-, niger black

Date: 1526

1 : to cast aspersions on : DEFAME

2 : to deny the importance or validity of : BELITTLE

- den·i·gra·tion /"de-ni-'grA-sh&n/ noun

- den·i·gra·tive /'de-ni-"grA-tiv/ adjective

- den·i·gra·tor /-"grA-t&r/ noun

- den·i·gra·to·ry /'de-ni-gr&-"tOr-E, -"tor-/ adjective

Now YOU'RE scaring me! Seriously! Unlike Ape, who just scared me a little bit

with one of his previous posts, but I digress...

We are not conspiring, or making a definitive plan, to overthrow our (???)

government, we are merely talking and discussing the things that we think

could use (much) improvement. That is what our (???) Constitution

protects us from, and for isn't it? Illegal Search and Seizure, Freedom of Speech,


...Wait a minute...Someone is knocking heavily at my back door, AGAIN!!!

Honest truth; They say even Saddam Hussein has developed a liking for

Big Macs and Cheetos, since he has been in U.S. custody.

(Reference to nobleman's post about Survivor./.and cellphones).

Check this out:

Wednesday June 22, 05:53 AM

Saddam: I Am Still In Charge Of Iraq

Deposed dictator Saddam Hussein still thinks he is in charge of Iraq and has developed a fondness for a kind of crisp, his former guards have claimed.The tyrant can "eat a family size bag of Doritos in 10 minutes", and rates ex-US president Bill Clinton above successor George Bush, said a report.Five US troops sent to Iraq to guard Saddam in 2003 have revealed his tastes while speaking of their 10 months with him.

Specialist Jesse Dawson told the US edition of GQ magazine: "He'd always tell us he was the president. That's what he thinks, 100%."

Despite rating both the current President Bush and his father and ex-US leader as "no good", Saddam reportedly wanted to make friends with the younger Bush.

Specialist Sean O'Shea said: "Towards the end he was saying that he doesn't hold any hard feelings and he just wanted to talk to (George W) Bush, to make friends with him."

Saddam was even said to be friendly towards his young guards, offering fatherly advice, and also developed a liking for foods from the country he once despised.

Raisin Bran Crunch was his cereal of choice, but the ex-leader turned his nose up to Froot Loops.

His favourite snack was Cheetos, although Saddam was also partial to Doritos.

His guards described him as a "clean freak", who obsessively washed his hands and wiped his plate and utensils with baby wipes before eating.

He prayed five times a day and said he was betrayed by a "Judas" when captured in Tikrit after a trusted man allegedly revealed his hideout.

The five soldiers spoke to the magazine despite signing pledges not to reveal the location of Saddam or details about the compound where he was kept.

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You have obviously "taken me down a notch in rank"!

I appreciate the learning experience!

Rather than bury my nose in the latest Car Craft magazine, I guess I need to

spend a few days with my Webster's and Roget's Thesaurus!


I saw a movie recently called "Unconstitutional". At the end, during the credits, was this poem by Stephen Rohdes. Something to think about here.

First they came for the Muslims.

But I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a Muslim.

Then they came for immigrants.

Detaining them indefinitely solely on the certification of the Attorney General.

And I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t an immigrant.

Then they came to enter homes and offices for unannounced “sneak and peek” searches.

And I didn’t speak up because I had nothing to hide.

Then they came to arrest American citizens and hold them indefinitely without any charges and without access to lawyers.

And I didn’t speak up because I would never be arrested.

Then they came for immigrants and students from selected countries. Luring them under the requirements of “special registration” as a roost to seize them and detain them.

And I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t required to register.

Then they came for anyone who objected to government policy because “it only aided the terrorists and gave ammunition to Americas enemies”.

And I didn’t speak up because……I didn’t speak up.

And then they came for me.

By that time, no one was left to speak up.

nobleman, when they arrest me for conspiracy to commit to treason, I will tell them, 'If quoting Thomas Jefferson is conspiracy to commit treason, you've got me. Lock me up and throw away the key!'

At least then, I'll actually have no illusion of freedom.
I'm pretty sure my previous post was not treasonist.

I'd probably be lumped in with all the "sheeple" (sometimes called law-abiding and patriotic people). I could make up a word for the others ("creeple", perhaps?), but then that would be a little rude wouldn't it? :p
Hey, I admit it, I'm a sheep. When I was younger, I followed my shepard in single file along with all the other sheep. Then we were trained to react to certain bells and were hearded around from room to room, told where to go, when we could talk, and when we could eat. That's pretty much how it was until I graduated high school :D

I basically don't mind being a sheep, long as I don't get all my hair sheared off, or sent to the slaughterhouse. :lol:
Jeff, you wouldn't want to be a sheep up in Wyoming either. Those winters are cold and long, and there aren't enough women for those ranchers. :lol:
I'm law abiding and patriotic, I just take a lesson from my forefathers and know when to raise hell.

That's what keeps you out of the herd.
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nobleman has definitely touched us some historical perspective.

We the citizens have created the big government monster. We also look for it to be all things to us...to solve our every problem while we focus on the pursuit of happiness, paying no attention to life or liberty.

We have distorted the constitution beyond recognition.

People are spouting off about revolution and the rationale behind it...drawing extremely weak comparisons to what took place here beginning in with the Stamp Act in the 1760's. We have faced NOTHING even remotely close to what the likes of Sam Adams, John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, Dr. Joseph Warren, et. al. Dig into your history books, folks. Not the ones published yesterday with the scorn levied against these men by modern <i>historians</i>, but the books, memoirs, letters, and texts from a century ago.

A good book which can help to immerse you into the thoughts of these people is <i>Rise to Rebellion</i>, by Jeff Shaara.

That is exactly what someone once told me. I don't smoke. If they banned smoking tomorrow, I wouldn't care. I don't smoke, and frankly don't care to. At the same time, I respect the right that you should have a choice to smoke or not to smoke.

I would rather sit at a table of smokers eating a meal then to walk into the front door of a restraunt with 10 people standing outside smoking. What are they doing? Taking away our freedoms without us knowing it. We are letting them do it.

Gun control, emminent domain, illegal search and seizures, and other things we are allowing the government to take away from us. The Patriot act is a powerfull tool. It gives the government more power then it needs.

It is aimed at nailing terriorists who are not citizans. I do not feel that as a person that is not a citizan should be able to enjoy the rights a citizan of the USA has. They are not covered under the constitution because they are not citizans.

Today smoking, tomorrow religon. Give it time.

I thought I knew that name, I guess this Shaara decided to follow in his father's footsteps.

My point was that even if we did have a reason for rebellion, I doubt we'd find a wealth of citizens willing to join, or that could pull it off for that matter.

However, if Rich did go to jail for conspiracy to commit treason, we could start writing about the injustices of the government, I'm sure there is something like this out there already. But to really set it off Bush would need to go and do one ****bag thing after another, directly. I know, you'd think this would be easy for him.

It is happening though, it goes hand in hand, the big companies screw the consumer, the government allows it to happen, the supreme court gives away homes to mall developers, the president looks the other way. He steps in when pilots go on strike, why can't he step in when people are getting screwed?

The problem is that we're watered down these days. All the little hits here and there that citizens take doesn't have the impact it did before.

1770, 13 colonies, est. pop. 2,148,100, 1 king.

2005, 50 states, est. pop. 295,734,134, 1 President, big scattered government to share the blame.

Every government body or agency has had its day in the media for some screw up where a bunch of americans were either killed or shat on in some way. But you can't blame the president, he had nothing to do with it. We have a scapegoat, because bosses aren't bosses anymore, they don't know how to manage or lead. There is no accountability at the top, and so what, he's gone in 4-8 years, and some other schmuck takes over to do things his way, make his mark on history, write his page to stock his library.

Why does every President have a different agenda? Shouldn't there be one agenda? Shouldn't it be to fix things perpetually? To have the interest of the american people at the top of the list? To take the baton from the last guy and keep running with it? To run government? To step in and snap the different bodies and agencies in line?

What value do we as citizens place on our ethics, law, personal integrity, or professionalism when we accept what we see today as normalcy?

With regard to smoking:

I could care less whether a person smokes or not. I used to. What bothers me is that it is legal. Restricted sale, but legal. Just like a gun, or alcohol. Our three favorite american vices that go hand-in-hand guns, booze, and smokes. We love it so much we dedicated an entire damn bureau to it.

I also understand the right's of health conscious non-smokers and the dangers of second hand smoke. Even when I smoked I never cared for smoking indoors or at meals (except for at bars (see Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms up above. (If you could get alcohol, tobacco, firearms, steak, nookie, pool, air hockey, bowling, pinball, and Playstation in the same bar, I say we dedicate an bureau to it, the BATFSNPAHBPP)))

So here's the part that bothers me: A company can fire, penalize, or discriminate against you for being a smoker. For doing something legal. It is becoming so common that many states needed to pass laws that prohibit companies from discriminating against workers over lifestyle decisions.

Fire martial artists, they are weapons, and you can't carry weapons into work.

Did we really need legislature for this? Doesn't this show that companies are getting out of control?
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