A Possible Trade In

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Ohhhh, I recognize this now, this is the Accord that looks like it was bred with a Prius :D

Better than either individually imo.

The commercials for it are pretty heinous, but other than being a Honda, I can't see it being too bad. Almost Honda Fit debut commercial level bad.

The CRV is horrendous, I don't know how you lived with one. I remember the test drives of it, and the one that one of my friends had (key word). Point is that the Crosstour has to be better, as the CRV was simply so bad. Inferior construction, handling, and capability to even a RAV4.

Though I agree with Howie Long on one thing--Honda only makes decent mowers :D

While TJR has a valid point, if no one adopts early on, there will never be a later model.

BTW tjr, in one of the discussions on here it was said that the 2nd model year to buy was the best, and that the third year was the beginning of the decline?
Actually, our Honda CRV is better built than any other Ford I've driven. And I've drove a lot of Fords. The only reason I bought the ST was because I liked the styling of it, not because it was built "FORD TOUGH". To tell you the truth, it's built like crap.

Our Honda has been a great car and we'll buy another one. Also, I wouldn't mind having a newer ST. Hopefully Ford has put a little more effort and thought in to building the new ones.

Oh and Howie Long forgot to mention that GM is a POS and All those Honda vehicles he was talking about will out live any GM vehicle.
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don't mind kl, he lives in his "what ever i don't like, you should not like as well" world

my sister has a crv and it is a very good vehicle. i love driving it when visiting
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Looks to me blatant like a copy of the BMW X6.



Honda Accord Crosstour:

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+1 Train Trac.

I saw the Honda Crosstour for the first time the other day and was surprised that I couldn't recognize what kind of Honda it was. I've never heard of the Crosstour before, but I do like the exterior styling and I agree with Train Trac that it looks at lot like the BMW X6.
Wow TrainTrac, I didn't realize that. I'm calling plagiarism.

Oh and Howie Long forgot to mention that GM is a POS

Yes, yes he did. GM is dead IMO. So is Chrysler.

Actually, our Honda CRV is better built than any other Ford I've driven.

Okay, but how many Fords have you driven? The CRV beat out the Liberty to me in test drives, but it was a sack compared to the Toyota RAV4 for the 2002 model year.

The only reason I bought the ST was because I liked the styling of it, not because it was built "FORD TOUGH". To tell you the truth, it's built like crap.

Ummm, no. The ST and the CRV are both classified as SUVs. The CRV can't offroad, has less space, and even lesser capabilities. Go ahead, drive your CRV through a muddy construction site. Use it to lug hundreds of pounds of metal and appliances to the dump. See if it can hold a candle to the ST. Hope you have an extended warranty and towing covered by insurance. How can you even spew such libel without getting crucified on mysporttrac.com? :eek:

Even use dirty tricks like having a 4wd CRV against an open differential 2wd ST.

Honda bloweth. Their lawnmower did last us a long time though, before it had a driveshaft failure which cost more to fix than the mower was worth, and was a known problem. :rolleyes:
blah blah, I'm right and you're wrong.

How can you even spew such libel without getting crucified on mysporttrac.com?

OH NO! Don't talk bad about the almighty Ford! You may get crucified on a message board!

Not to worry, I won't be losing any sleep over what you or someone else thinks.

If you're looking for a pissing match, then I suggest you look else where.

I'm sorry if my first reply wasn't good enough for you. This one probably won't be either.
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Rofl, the first quote in your post wasn't even said in the entire thread :D

I think I mentioned libel before ;)

Look at it this way--you say that the ST is crap, yet you bought it for looks.

Obviously, you like the looks of this Honda.

So then, it is possible that the Honda is crap, and this time around you just aren't admitting it. After you drive it a while, maybe the truth will come out, and when you get a Toyota on your next trade-in, you can say that your Honda was crap, and that you only bought it for the look, and Toyota is holier than holy.

You admitted that you bought a vehicle for no other reason but looks....a "bad" vehicle IYO. It's probably a good thing that you posted here for guidance, because you desperately need it.

actually i considered a 4th trac when the lease was up on my 07. the MAIN reason for the consideration of another trac was looks. as i mentioned in the past, looks should maybe 50% factor for your choice. my 4runner does not get near the compliments my tracs received. is that a reason i should get another trac?

no disrespect to anyone here, but the 4runner is hands down a much better built vehicle. i had issues with my 07 (tranny) and the tranny in my 04. i chose what i feel is a better vehicle and what industry experts agree with.

you need to really experience other vehicles then your trac. i hate to tell you, there is better out there. i used to have that buy american attitude, but you really want to know reality,

i couln't give a rats butt where something is made, as long as i get the best quality for my dollar.

ford is going in the right direction, but it is still shy of the quality of most of the far east imports.

^^^ I should have added that I also bought it because it was the only 4 door truck/SUV that I could afford.

It is built better than the T-Birds, Cougar, Taurus, Town Car and F-150 that I've owned. Ford seems to put a little more effort in to the Trac. But, I still think it's build like crap compared to our Honda. Hell, you can tell right away when you sit down in the seat and close the door.

Sure the Trac may out preform the CRV when it comes to mudding, hauling, etc.

But I don't do any of that chit so I'm not worried about it.

I don't care what that troll boy thinks, I know for a fact that my Honda CRV is a better built vehicle than my ST.

So go a head troll boy.....tell me how wrong I am. You can have the last word, I'm done with this thread.