A Stunning IMAX flyover Israel.

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user 64972

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Dec 23, 2006
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A Stunning IMAX flyover Israel.


Be sure to watch this in FULL SCREEN.


Thanks, for the link....

A little FYI on the dome of the rock. I watched a video the other day. The muslims that visit it actually disrespect it. The have torn up the carpets. They throw there trash down in it. Inside it gets full of rocks that they throw at those considered infedels. They have defaced the walls and stone carvings.

The video was narated by a muslim. He admited, it was his muslim brothers that were doing it. The Israelie workers from the city of Jeruselum are the ones that try to keep it clean.

Sad thing is. If Israel was to tear it down. All hell would break loose. This land belonged to The Israelites first. They were wrongfully conquered by so many during history. Including the christian crusaders, knights of Templar (Masons). They were finaly scatered until 1947. Not just because of my Christian faith, but. IMO this land as small as it is belongs to Israel.

IMO, even if you dont believe in God. There is something about this land. That has atracted so many to it, thru out history.
While the Rock of the Dome may be a holy place for Muslims, I think the fact that it is controlled by Israelies is probably the reason the Muslims may be desicrating it???

Dispite the politcal differences and tension in the area, especially in Jerusalem, it is kind of amazing that they all seem to treat the Muslim, Jewish and Christian holy places within the city with some level of respect and dignity.

One of the more interesting things I heard recently was that the name of Jesus is mentioned more times in the Quran than the name Mohamad ???

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Hmmm, Eddie, be careful with that Templars and Masons association. The current fraternity of Masons actually began in the early 1700's in England, somewhere around 1734 I think, at the Goose and Gridiron pub in London. No offense!! Just like people to be informed about our charitable, demonic and animal sacrificing society. The overthrow of all world governments is coming soon! Bob
Bob,,,If my studys are off Im sorry. The masonics and their association to the templar. go back much farther than 1734.

It was almost dead here in america. until albert pike reserected it little over a hundred years ago. Or am I wrong.

I wont get into the demonics. IMO, no true christian should take the blood oath, because of secrets. Cant serve two masters. To become a blue lodge member, 3rd degree

I know you have said some things in jest. The changing in world government is coming, but not by the lodge.

Im not trying to condemn. Your charities are apreciated.

I do have close freind, that is a denounced 32cnd. He ministers the truth of the Bible. To those wanting to walk away from the lodge and their rituals.

I know that american masonics have their bible but it isnt exactly the same, nor are some foot notes, that are in all other bibles. Not talking about KJV,NIV,ASV,etc. God gave all knowlegde to Christ.

From the tiny bit I do know. Enough to get me hated and in trouble. I have be singulary in my Christian walk. One master..not even a denomenation. That is mans version of the church. Even though I belong to 2 different denomenations. I make deacons mad at me all the time. When I ask them to show me the scriptual truth. Over some issues.

Now I know Im in deep doo-doo.........

Peace Brother...
Aloha 07,

How did you capture this video? I wanted to copy it to show my wife and some church members. But I can't figure how to save the video. All I get is "save as a Firefox document"

Tks God bless Ed
Ed, here is the link. I copied the embeded html, to post it here.

I think you will need special software to save it to your harddrive.

There is some free stuff out there. Never used it myself.
This should be proof postive that the Masons and the Knights Templar are not taking over the US/world. If any time we needed someone that has the power to control, now is the time and I haven't seen anyone but the socialists make their move. I doubt Barry O is a Mason or knights Templar...LOL!