Adding interior lights

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Craig Martin 2

Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2009
Reaction score
Hey guys...I'm wanting to add some L.E.D strips I have to the interior of the trac...just kinda for some extra lighting. Like under the dash in the foot well area and in the back above the doors and what not. Does anyone have/ know the colors of the wires I need to tap into for the interior lights? I'd like the lights to come on with the regular interior lights. I guess these could be like the puddle lights right? Thanks guys!
I don't know the wires, but just wanted to throw out there that you may want/need to use a relay depending on how many extra lights you plan to install and what their amp load is so you don't run into popping the stock fuse. Just use the interior light wire as the trigger on the relay.
JD is right about using a seperate relay. I found 3 pages on the courtesy interior lighting. If you want I can scan them and email them to you as .jpg's.

You can then decide where you want jump from.

Let me know
Thanks Eddie...if you can email them to me that would be great. I didn't know I'd have to use a relay for LED strips. I can toss one into the mix though just so it's better. Thank again guys!
If you're using LED strip lights, the load should be so small you can splice them right into the existing circuit without worry.
droll, Yes they are LED strips. About 15 on each one and I'll be using 4 to 6 of them depending on where I decide to use them.

Thanks for the diagrams Ed