American flag removed from woman's office

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Stop only reading Jenn's post and read the article. Most people are only listening to one part of this story and its ridiculous. TJR has said it best and in my opinion is one of the only few that has looked at this with an open mind. Calm down and take a breath.
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I try to keep an open mind when considering all things.

TJR, Not to be offensive to you. I respect your personal opinions. To me talk of keeping an open mind. Is sometimes, nonthing more than riding the fence to keep both sides happy, by not taking a stance. JMO, peace btother.:)
Annother. I think this is where Jenn was trying to take this thread.

Of course I could be wrong. Ive been wrong before....;)

Eddit; when I was younger I was foolish. Not standing for much. As I have aged Ihave tried mybest to put away foolish things.
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Common sense, courtesy, and the ability to "get along" should be able to handle most of these types of issues.

TJR, first I must say that I agree.

Though one thing that hasn't been brought up is that they put the flag on the ground.

Take down the flag, and fold it neatly and put it on her desk? Sure, I would have been angry, but maybe I could have come to understanding it...maybe.

But throwing the flag on the ground??!! Them's fightin' words! That's unforgivable. Why didn't the hospital just burn it? They already threw it to the ground and defiled it.

Thousands of Americans have died to keep the American flag off of the ground, and now we can just throw it on the ground because one person was offended?! All the KIA flag bearers of the civil war, and the soldiers who died to raise the flag on Mount Suribachi, to name a few, what do their sacrifices mean?

Common sense and courtesy went out the window when Old Glory hit the dust.
But throwing the flag on the ground??!!

Again, everyone's so eager to see some PC conspiracy here that they're reading things into the story that aren't there.

NO WHERE does the story say that the flag was "thrown" on the ground. It says that it was wrapped around the pole, sitting in the corner on the ground. Now, that to me sounds like it was neatly rolled up, and then the rolled up flag and pole were leaned in the corner of the room/cubicle, with just the bottom of the pole touching the ground. And if that's the case--is it the ideal handling? No. But is it at all desecrating the flag or what it stands for, or something that is "unforgivable"? Of course not.

What facts did they not present? They reported the event as it occurred.

No they didn't. They reported the event as it was told to them by a disgruntled employee, without investigating her claims further to see if there's any validity to them. (Or if they did investigate them, they didn't indicate that.) This woman slams her immigrant coworker, and claims that that coworker is offended by the flag--but Fox never bothers to talk to the coworker to find out if there's any substance to that. And when the hospital indicates that such was NOT the case, they bury that response at the bottom of the article, but lead with the woman's likely baseless accusation against her coworker.

Who appointed you the Pope of, Bill?

I'm not the Pope. You don't need to be a Pope to see the holes in this story. I'm just pointing them out to those of you who are too blinded by your overzealous conservatism to see them.
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As a veteran and also a hospital employee, I have to say that TJR, Coastie, and others here are correct. I have served so others may be able to display thier opinions. Jen, you are alright in my book. Share your opinions and be proud of them. Same goes for all who have posted here on this subject.

The hospital where I work doesn't even allow us to wear any scrubs that display "Team Logos" (Steelers, Penn State, etc.) due to the fact that it might "offend" someone. We are alowed to display "Holiday" items, but to a certain extent. The Rules and Regs are very clear, and anytime someone complains, the matter is looked into and corrected post haste. Do I feel slighted? At times, but I understand the Hospital's postion. They are a business and can't afford to put someone out just because something trivial "offends" them.

Case-in-point, I was at a Gun Raffle one time right after I got out of the Army. A guy was there with a booth and was handing out pamphlets about how bad the Gov. was and was flying the American Flag upside-down. My friends (who never served) took great offence to it and was asking me "how it made me feel" to have this guy disrespect the flag that way. I told them that I served so that man can have the freedom to fly the flag that way. Thay didn't really like my response. Luckily one of the organizers of the event must have heard some other people complaining and asked the guy to please fly it correctly. He complied and saved himself an earful from my friends.;)

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How does the original post have anything to do with flying the American flag unpsidedown???

The person was trying to show his patriotism by flying it upside-down in protest for the gun laws the Gov. was trying to pass at the time. (Clinton was pres.) The point I was trying to get across was that it is thier right to be able to display the flag any way they want, where they want. Sorry I was clear enough for you Dave, I'll try harder next time.;)

I agree with the sign of disrespect for the flag being on the ground, but again, the story is vague. Maybe it was leaned against the wall and then fell?

Not really a big story here, other than people using poor judgement and not taking the time to consider how others feel, and taking the time to resolve differences peacefully.


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