Another Obama Administration Scandal !!

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Frank said:

President Obama Credentials: (Harvard Law School/Colombia) Reelected by LANDSLIDE

2012 Election results

-Electoral College: Obama-61.7%, Romney-38/3%

-Popular Vote: Obama-51.01%, Romney-47.16%

Source: <a href="">2012 Presidential Election Results</a>

Hardly a landslide, but if that's how you want to view it in your world, very well.

This map would indicate otherwise. Red=counties that voted Romney, Blue=Low-information Obama voters.


As for the aforementioned Harvard/Columbia "creds", we've yet to see any papers, transcripts, etc. that would give us an idea of how good/bad of a student he was at either school. Oh, that's right: He had those records sealed right after he was inaugurated. Yet pretty much every other Presidential candidate in modern history has publicly released their college transcripts, and other academic/professional accomplishments during a campaign cycle.

Not only that, but now questions have arisen raising doubt about whether he actually even attended Columbia:

-<a href="">The Ghost of Columbia University</a>

-<a href="">Ghost of Columbia- Part II</a>

Certainly there is some good that he has accomplished?

Really? If that's so, then please, enlighten us with examples.

In the event that you're actually able to come up with examples of "some good" that Obama's accomplished, I'm happy to provide the "Jane you ignorant ****" counterpoint to your assertions:

1) fast and furious

2) Benghazi

3) IRS targeting of conservatives seeking tax exempt status

4) AP snooping

5) James Rosen

6) EPA

7) HHS

8) insider trading

9) NSA

10) Gov't bailout/ownership of Chrysler/GM, i.e. UAW/union quid pro quo for their support in the 2008 election.

11) Publicly revealing the existence of SEAL Team Six, forever endangering the lives of Team members AND their families. This was done for no other reason than to "spike the football" prior to the 2012 election.

13) Gas prices: Under $2/gallon in January 2009, currently over $4/gallon in most metro areas nationwide.

14) Two Muslim terrorist attacks on US soil on his watch (FT. Hood/Boston), vs NONE since 9/11/01.

15) Overall weakening of America's standing on the world stage, militarily, economically, generally,etc. via his policies, and general amateurish, inept methods of governing.

16) GSA waste

17) Unconstitutional overreach by the EPA in the form of bullying, abusive over-regulation, and wasted taxpayer dollar "investment" in failed "green" start-ups/companies.

18) DOJ failed to investigate/prosecute the voter intimidation case against the New Black Panthers

Face it you just aren't up to giving a guy like Obama any credit.

And I know why..

I think you guys are very biased. Not just politically either...

I wonder what you would say if Obama were a "good ol boy"

Aaaannnnddd there it is. Ya got nothin' else, so you throw the race card. This has now been used so often, it's akin to the "boy who cried wolf". It carries no significance anymore. All it says it "I have no basis in reason or fact to back up my ridiculous, ludicrous, baseless assertions and ideology, so I'll just call you a racist and say you disagree with me and "hate" (insert non-Caucasian, usually black individual's name here) because they're (insert non-Caucasian race/ethnic group name here).:banghead: Lame, Frank. Really lame.

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Well stated, excellent points made Train Trac....JMO
Rep. Darrell Issa has suddenly clammed up about the IRS scandal after an IRS supervisor admitted he was behind the vetting of Tea Party groups. That supervisor described himself during a CNN interview as a conservative Republican.
Rep. Issa on tv 16 hours ago saying something very different. Two employees state it came from Washington.

It is just top many things going on, one thing after another. If Bush was in office there would be riots in DC by now. The riots won't come until the debt reaches 20 trillion two years from now. :cry::cry:
TrainTrac, those maps are so bogus. All they show is that if sheep could vote, Romney would have won. Big deal.

(Actually, I need to correct that--All they show is that if ALL sheep could vote, Romney would have won. However, enough sheep were actually able to vote that he did get 47%.)

Here's another map--showing the exact same information as was used to make your map, but breaking it down by who won each COUNTRY, instead of each COUNTY:

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Bill V,

The proper way to view the election results is that 51% voted for Obama, 49% did not....hardly a landslide. That small percentage gets blurred when you take into account the Electorial College and the fact that most of Obama's votes came from large urban areas where the welfare population and illegal voters live.

most of Obama's votes came from large urban areas where the welfare population and illegal voters live

i.e. low-information sheep voting on the basis of who's going to give them more "free" stuff.:banghead:
Rich L, I agree, it wasn't a landslide--I wasn't one of the people who claimed it was--but neither were either of Bush's '00 or '04 victories. And I know a lot of conservatives who claimed/still claim that the '04 election was a landslide. In fact, if you rank the last six elections in terms of percent of the popular vote going to the election winner, the order would be:

Obama '08

Obama '12

Bush '04

Clinton '96

Bush '00

Clinton '92

Meaning that if Bush '04 was a "landslide", Obama '12 was even moreso.

If you're not one of those people who call '04 a landslide, great, we're seeing eye-to-eye on this.
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i.e. low-information sheep voting on the basis of who's going to give them more "free" stuff.:banghead:

TrainTrac, you probably have consumed too much koolaid to admit this--but you know as well as I do that that characterization is accurate for the overwhelming majority of the supporters of both parties.

If you counted all the voters from any party who voted that way, and put them on one side, and on the other side you put the voters who actually evaluated all candidates and made an informed decision--well, THAT would be a landslide...

I never said nor meant to infer that there were "sheep" only on one side of the aisle. However, looking at voting statistics would prove that the large majority of voters looking for more "free stuff", or gov't handouts, are on the left/Democrat side of the spectrum, as they're likely already gov't moochers to begin with, so they're damn sure not going to vote Republican when Democrats consistently promise more spending and gov't handouts than do Republicans.

My whole point was to point out how idiotic Frank's landslide claim was using facts & figures from the 2012 election. Whether or not one side had more "sheep" than the other was irrelevant.

And for the record, I'm not a "koolaid drinker" I didn't vote for Romney nor Obama. I think of myself as more libertarian, or republican, but not Republican. I'm disgusted with the Republican party on a national level. There's really not much difference between the Democrats and "Big GOP" anymore.
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Bill V, Romney promised free stuff? All I heard was the opposite, his "infamous" quote that the media ran with forever: "If you're looking for free stuff...I'm not your guy."

I didn't vote for Romney nor Obama.

Some would say that you then voted for Obama. I'd be inclined to be one of them.:cry:
Bill V,

Sorry I misunderstood your post. I thought you were implying that Obama won over Romney by a landslide?

There has not been a landslide Presidential election in may years. The problem is that the Electoral College votes can make it appear that a candidate won by an overwhelming margin of Electoralvotes, when the popular vote was actually very close.

The Electoral College serves no useful purpose anymore. If we have to keep the Electoral College then their votes should reflect the true popular vote and the Electoral votes divided up between the candidates and not just given to the candidate who may have only received a few more popular votes. Several states already divide their Electoral votes based on the percentage of the popular vote.


It makes no difference who one may or may not of voted for. I few my flag everyday for 13 years at my present house. The day after the election I stopped with the exception of Veterans Day and Memorial Day.

The country is done for as we know it. Just look at what has happen for the first 5 months of a 4 year term.

Down Island.
Electoral votes-landslide for Obama.

Idiotic is voting the straight party every time.

The country is not ruined. Thinking that...Idiotic

Not flying our flag because your candidate lost.. Idiotic

Dearest Frank

Electoral votes-landslide for Obama

I don't know, or care about your obsession with this, but what you state is true.

Idiotic is voting the straight party every time.

As a registered Independent I agree with you in theory. As one who has never voted a party line in any election I ever voted in, I understand your feelings. However, in the past it was the the right of any citizen to vote as they wish without being called "idiotic". I respect the voters rights and do not support them now being labeled as "idiotic".

The country is not ruined. Thinking that...Idiotic

I believe I said "done for as we know it". Ruined is an entirely different term, as is"idiotic thinking" or just being a plain" idiot". Where some may make "idiotic statements", some have the ability to prove they are a "Idiot" every time they open their mouth. I am sure you would agree.

Not flying our flag because your candidate lost.. Idiotic

I choose when to fly my Flag and when not to. I see and understand your need to term this as "Idiotic".
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The "Winnovation" guy?

Sadly he wussed out and fell back to Christian-bashingin this video as he did not elect to use the more appropriate "allah" instead of "God" to describe stereotypical religiously-motivated terrorist attacks, and implied that typical Christian sentiment is the stuff espoused by terrorists: According to this video, talking about "God's unconditional love" makes you a terrorist.

Cop-outs just aren't funny. :sad:

People have been saying that for this for nearly 240 years. It's getting old

I did not know that the statement had been used for that long a period. The speakers were without a doubt brilliant forward thinkers. I applaud their forethought.

I am not sure what actually "this" is? But, if one is happy with the outlook for the United States of America and what one's life will be like in say 30 years, it is fine with me. It is no longer my problem. I have removed the flag from this embassy, folded it with due respect, and started efforts to protected my own.

So far my right to free speech, while sometimes assaulted, has yet to be impaired. By the grace of God, sorry by the grace of .... (someone in the government ?), I will attempt to continue to express thoughts. I will try to avoid offending anyone. I will no doubt fail at this, some have no sense of humor.