Answer me a question please???

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Sorry Jenn. "It's" in this particular case is singular posessive, as in one state, as in Jenn's grammar lesson. Jenns grammar lesson would be more than one Jenn.

Not in this case though. It's one of thost little things that makes learning English so difficult for non-English speakers.

Louisiana does not share a southern border with Texas. Louisiana has its own distinct southern border, and Texas has its own distinct southern border. To share means for each to have a claim to it (basically). Texas cannot claim Louisiana's southern border, and vice versa.

you're absolutely right - I sit corrected. It's (;)) amazing how sometimes we forget stuff ain't it. Or, maybe didn't learn it correctly in the first place :lol:


The answer could be the capitals of California, Arizona, and New Mexico.

After all, the longest "long southern border" involving Texas and one or more other states is the US/Mexico national border, which is shared by Texas with those three states.


Seriously, though, it's clear that they're looking for Oklahoma City, even though the question is extremely poorly worded.
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And I'm trying to figure out what criteria Google used in determining what highways to show on the map Coastie posted. Most of them are interstates--but there are some non-interstates, some dinky two-lane roads, and a lot of interstates are missing. Interesting...
LOL it's okay was an unfair fight. I edit and write school textbooks for a living. Granted I write Math texts. ;)
I plan on addressing this with her teacher as she marked it wrong in a day or so.

Sooo, keep on telling me your answers as I will use it for evidence.. LOL
I asked someone that doesn't know the circumstances, and didn't have a map. OKC was the answer.

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