Any one got PS3?

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I'm on my 3rd machine. First one was DOA, second locked up on start up, so far so good on the third. Can't wait til Metal Gear 4 and GTA, but I agree 360 is better.
My 360 is broken. But PS3 will be better by far. I feel bad for people having to PAY to play online lol.
I have a PS3. I've been playing Resistance as well as Fight Night ROund3 online (and offline). I've also been watching Blu-Ray movies on it. So far I like the system a lot. I'd never buy any Microsoft crap.
I like my 360. $1 a week for online gaming is fine with me. Just picked up "Crackdown" yesterday, only for the Halo 3 demo (whenever it's released). I did play a lot of GoW. Lately I've been playing Tiger Woods '07 and FIFA '07. I've bought about 5-6 360 games since Xmas.

My roommate is getting a PS3 in March or April. I think I may pick up a Wii just to have the tri-fecta sitting there.
I'm in the Halo 3 Beta as well, but I didn't have to buy anything.

I lvoes me some Tiger Woods though, haven't touched it in a month or so. A old friend and I used to play a few rounds once a week. I never could beat him, now matter how well I'd play.
Okay, well, to start a new topic, what's yall's Gamertags?

Mine is "QuickOrDead" so add me if ya want to play some Tiger Woods or GoW.