Anyone Ever Attend an International School?

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Nelson Atwell

Well-Known Member
Oct 16, 2003
Reaction score
Bydgoszcz, Poland
It appears that if my daughter goes to Poland with me, she will attend a local international school. I spoke to one person at work about this, and he said he has heard good things about them, and that they are excellent. I'd like to hear from someone that either attended or had children that attended one of these schools.

The one she would attend has several certifications, including one from Cambridge University in England.
Nelson,,Last week on primetime john stossel, had a piece where they gave the same academic test to a polish high school class and americans. The polish kids did better than the american kids. The polish kids, said they thought the test was to easy and for a much younger group, than they. They spoke very good english also..but knowing how "biased" stossel can be, the Pols' might have been the brainiacs of the polish school vs. average americans...
Eddie, An international school is not a Polish school. It is for kids of people in government service stationed overseas.

Nelson, I do feel that it will be an excellent experience for your daughter, and that the class size will be smaller where she can get more individual attention plus a much broader education & experience. Our son went to a private school for a couple of years and was taught French among other things that public schools would not even consider.
Rodger,,I guess, I didnt grasp the concept, thanks for the info. We can learn something new everyday, no matter how old we are...Now remembering it can be something else..:lol:

Iam with you on the fact it can be a great experiance for his daughter..;)
A lady I work with attended international schools in several locations while her Dad had several assignments in the military. She is quite bright, has great social skills, and is very successful in her career as in her personal life. She commented on the small class sizes, and the great opportunities that are not available to most kids.
Fast Eddie--You weren't the only one fooled/confused. Around the Twin Cities, "The International School" is the name of a private school (I think it's K-12) in one of the more affluent suburbs--it's primary goal appears to be to get their students into Ivy League schools to keep the rich parents of the students happy. So when I heard NelsonOKC mention it, I thought that he was talking about that, and that it must be a chain of some sort.