Anyone have a droid phone?

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LaRue Medlin

In Memoriam 1955-2017
Sep 28, 2000
Reaction score
Sumter, SC
Rose wants one sooooooooooooo bad.... Her phone is up for the 2 yr re-new at verizon. Any pros or cons........ Thanks
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my wife just got one and she loves it. you do have to add another $30.00. for the data plan.

we both have verizon. no problems but it is up to you. get the hard cover for it to protect it. and read the book to see how to work the phone.

just my two cents. :banana:
Just got one today, in the middle of activating it. My wife and I both got the HTD Eris. I will let you know how I like it as soon as I get to play with it.
I will pay for my own worries!

I should look into splitting, I wonder if they bill different accounts??

would still save $199 on the phone
Have had mine since Christmas. I love it. I was trying to decide between iphone and droid and have not regretted going with the droid for a minute. It has almost all the apps that Iphone does, except more of them are free. Battery life is good. Screen is better than iphone. Construction seems to be sturdier than the iphone. This does however make it heavier but you get used to it quick. Now every other phone feels like a toy to me because they are so light. I love mine, its a great phone. I would look at HTC's new android phone the "INCREDIBLE" since it just came out.
Meh, I just need my personal phone to be a phone, I dont even have texting. I have an old razr and I dont have any contract with tmobile. This is coming from a techie BTW, I work with computers all day. Maybe thats why I just want a simple phone. My work phone has all the bells and whistles but I dont use them, I just need email.
I have an iPhone, and I know several other people who have Droids. Generally, both love what they have.

One noteworthy difference--if you're wanting to use a Droid to access work e-mail/calendar/etc. vie MS Exchange, depending on your employer's security requirements, you may need to get an app to do that. (One of the more common ones is "Touchdown".) The iPhone has those security features built in to it's native email application. Touchdown requires an additional fee (I believe it's an annual fee), and once you set it up, you need to start that software to access your work e-mail, then go to the phone's native email application to access most personal e-mail servers (Google, Yahoo, etc.). On the iPhone, you can access them all from the native e-mail app.

Also, if you're looking for accessories, the market currently has far more options for the iPhone--although with the growing popularity of Droid phones, particularly those from HTC, I'm sure the options there will grow exponentially in the near future.
Verizon doesn't have the Iphone.................... Verizon screwd up on their website and I got this upgrade for me. The upgrade was for $249 and I got them on a missprint,,, $149.... this phone is built FORD TUFF! Casio G'zOne Brigade

[Broken External Image]:
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I was going to upgrade to a new smartphone in a couple of months, but AT&T powerscrewed that idea with the new data plans. If you're like me, and don't have a current data plan, starting Monday, the current $30 unlimited plan goes bye-bye. $25 gets you 2gb of usage with each gb after that costing you $10. I'm stuck with AT&T until November of next year.

With which provider do you have cell service? I just looked at phones on the Verizon Wireless website, and you can search for for "non-camera" phones. They have six phones available without cameras, including a couple of Blackberries.

Go to the link below, and click "non-camera" in the "features" section on the left side of the screen.
I have had the droid since it first came out. I love the thing. I use it when I travel to check email and such all the time. I picked it over the iPhone because it has the slide out keyboard. It admittedly takes a little to get used to using a small keyboard like that, but now that I have had it a while, I'm pretty good with it.

Roger, the vast majority of AT&T users are under 2GB/month--in which case, the plan change is actually a good thing for them, as they can save $5/month. Also, early reports are that the other major players are likely to follow AT&T's lead and go to similar data plans--so by November, your concern may be just as valid (or invalid, depending on the point of view) for Verizon, Sprint, etc., as it is for AT&T...
My wife and I are both Droid users and we love them.

FWIW, the BOGO offer is ONLY on the same account and ONLY if the 2nd phone is also up for renewal. That said, they're offering upgrades to smart phones whether you're "new in 2" eligible or not. They REALLY want that extra $30/month. :rofl:

Go with the iPhone? Um, the OP said "Verizon" and last I checked, no iPhone on Verizon yet. :btddhorse:
Coleman, the OP did not say that Rose necessarily wants to stay with Verizon--it only said that Rose's 2 year Verizon contract is up. In which case, a provider change is a viable option. Most people who are looking for a smart phone, and who are no longer bound by a 2 year contract, typically take a look at both Droid and iPhone, as well as others--so it's likely safe to assume that Rose is in that group, and therefore discussions of both are definitely germaine.

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