Anyone here see Rick Perry on Letterman last night?

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Bill V

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2001
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Brooklyn Park, MN
He came on and did the Top Ten list, which I thought was pretty good, regardless of your political affiliation...

"Top Ten Rick Perry Excuses:"

10. "Actually there were three reasons I messed up last night. One was the nerves, two was the headache and three was, and three, uh...uh...Oops."

9. "I don't know what you're talking about. I think things went well."

8. "Hey, I was up late last night watching `Dancing With the Stars.'"

7. "I thought the debate was tonight."

6. "Hey, listen. You try concentrating with Mitt Romney smiling at you. That is one handsome dude."

5. "Uh, El Nino?"

4. "I had a five-hour energy drink six hours before the debate."

3. "I really hoped to get on my favorite talk show, but instead I ended up here."

2. "Hey, I wanted to help take the heat off my buddy Herman Cain."

1. "I just learned Justin Bieber is my father."

I also thought that the music which Paul Shaeffer (sp?) played while Perry was coming on and off the stage was pretty funny--Meatloaf's "Two Out Of Three Ain't Bad".


Anyone else here see it? Thoughts?
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Perry's a clown; glad he found a stage. I don't want another George W.
I used to like Perry as Governor of Texas but he sure has fallen apart when running for POTUS.
He reminds me so much of George W. Bush. He even sounds like him. Says "nukular," too.
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I didn't vote for him as Governor in our state and will definitely not vote for him if he runs for President. He's just one big hypocrite, bought and paid for by big business.
Ditto what Eddie said.

Of all the candidates I think Newt Gingrich is probably the more realistic candidate for the Republican Party. He seems to know more about the issues and can speak candidly about the issues without hyperventilating or or getting overly emotional. Unfortunately, most of the American people want someone with charisma and that's something that Newt does not seem to have? Perhaps a few lessons at Charm School might make him more appealing?

I would never vote for Perry. Romney either. If either of them gets the GOP nomination (Perry's pretty much DOA anyway), I will not be voting for them. It really is the principal of the matter now. I refuse to continue voting for the lesser of two evils just because someone is "more electable" or "able to beat Obama." If Romney gets the nomination, I'll be voting Ron Paul and splitting the ticket. If I wanted another liberal in office, I'd just stay home and let Obama keep up his great work. I'm absolutely fed up with the GOP and the way they let FOX News determine who the best Republican for me to vote for is.

I really think it is time for a third party to emerge. A real fiscal conservative party. One that doesn't pander to the social conservatives or the evangelical right and then go in and spend just like the liberals, except doing it on war, corporate interests and limiting individual freedom.

I don't "watch" the news very often, but I've caught myself lately getting lazy and watching Fox and MSNBC. Fox is telling me Romney is the only one that can beat Obama and putting up a love fest for another liberal Republican. MSNBC is running smear campaigns against all the candidates.

My preference:

1. Paul

2. Gingrich

3. Cain
Hugh, isn't that "teach them a lesson" method of voting what got us into this Obama mess in the first place? If there were a 3rd party candidate who didn't completely suck, he'd have my vote, but Ron Paul is no TR (the only 3rd party contender to ever come close IIRC).

When a similar instance occurred in history (only then we had a candidate that wasn't horrid), splitting the vote gave us Woodrow Wilson (shudder). TR or Taft would have been far superior. It's only been a bit over 100 years since then, that's too early for history to repeat itself IMO :grin:

I'm also tired of Fox news behaving in such an asinine manner. The Republican party and its affiliates always seem to be shooting themselves in the foot, as several nicknames for them allude :banghead: .

What would the stance of this hypothetical real fiscal conservative party be on other issues? My first thought for such a thing makes me think of Gov Christie, which is a scary thought.

spend just like the liberals, except doing it on war,

:sad: Si vis pacem, para bellum :sad:

I agree that we need a viable third party canditate who owes no allegence to any party except the American people. Someone who is middle of the road and not extreme to the right or left. That's why I advocate banning all political parties. It's really nothing more than legal political bribery...and not much different than corporations or rich donors buying candidates for campaign contributions.


As long as the Dem and Rep parties continue to blindly attract at least 40%, each, of the voting citizens there can be no viable third party.

There are too many people that can't look past their own party, that vote their party and side with their party, right or wrong.

If you are democrat and have never voted for a republican president, or vice versa, then you are probably part of the problem.

Well, I understand the significance of my vote. Voting is an irrational behavior but I do it out of a sense of duty. If I'm going to continue the irrational behavior, I'm going to at least walk away from the polls feeling like I've cast an irrational vote for someone I would actually like as president, rather than walk away knowing I just spent my time irrationally to make a claim of preference for someone I do not like.

I like Cain,

He ain't a politician. Newt is brilliant, but has a lot of baggage and the LSM will eat him alive. maybe Newt as a Veep, he would roast Biden. Romney is establishment GOP, I am a tea partier. They ain't the same.

If Romney gets the GOP nomination..Obungler will be president for 4 more years.

Y'all have a good one

If Romney gets the GOP nomination..Obungler will be president for 4 more years.

We've seen this once before but it read:

If McCain gets the GOP nomination...Obama will be president...