Anyone own a printing company?

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Hey LaRue my buddy owns this shop.

Budget Instant Print Center Inc

449 West Centennial Street

Spartanburg SC 29303


Ask for Ken, tell him Wes sent you.
Thanks Wes,,,

I went with .... 500, 2 part carbonless, on my custom invoice. 93$ shipped. No one else would do it for less than 130$.. :driving:

Now it's time to order some cards.
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Have you thought about putting a little laptop and printer in your work van and just print out invoices at the job site?? Most companies do that now and avoid the hand written invoices that are hard to read...especially if you have handwriting like mine..:grin:

When I was running my own consulting firm, I used a free downloaded MS Excel file that allowed me to insert my company name, logo's etc and fill in the detail charges and notes on the invoice or you can download some free MS Access apps with the database that will do the same thing. The system always generated a new invoice number and it was easy to make corrections and reprint the invoice as needed.

There are no printing charges, format is easily changed whenever you want/need to, and you only pay for the blank paper, and the ink to print them....If you need two copies, just print it twice....but you always have the Excel file or Access Database for your records. so you don't really have a print a copy for yourself. That also allows you to do reprints of invoices if the customer need another copy.


yea Rich, Coastie made me one and I tried it for a couple of months,,,, more of a pain than anything. Inket printers are cheap but the ink can't handle the temp changes, so I gave up on it. My invoices are spelled out pretty good, so there in minimal writing on it. Thanks for the input....

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I understand, but where I worked, we had a number of guys who used inkjet printers in their trucks all the time and never reported problems with the ink or the printers. Most of ours were smaller, cheaper HP inkjets. Small inexpensive laser printers like the cheaper Brothers models may be a better choice if you are having problems with inkjets in your van??

If using the Excel form was a PITA, it may have been how the Invoice spreadsheet was setup, and they can be hard to use if they are not designed to be flexible enough. You might find an Access version works way better?

Richard, Coastie set me up real good and the form worked flawlessly, I'ts just booting the computer, turning on the converter, carrying paper, and paying more for ink than the printer is worth. For @100 bucks, I can have invoices for 2 year (if not longer)........ I only give out a invoice if asked for... 75% of my work is "here is your money, thank you".. Lockouts only get one of those cheap general sales receipts. 5$ at staples for 250..... Invoice/receipts cause paper trails for the "oversee-ers" shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh:grin:
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OK, I understand now, but you never mentioned not wanting to leave any paper trails...:grin:


paper when I have to, I'll give a receipt for everything I do, "if you want one" :grin::grin:

not trying to be unlawful......... just using the system
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