Anyone seen Transformers?

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Well-Known Member
Oct 25, 2004
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Spring, TX
Anyone seen the new Transformers movie? My wife and I went Friday night, and she actually liked it! I was interested, but she would only go because her niece and nephew wanted to go.

I never was a fan of the animated series, but the movie is pretty good.
Great movie! I will probably see it again before it's out of theaters and I'll definitely be buying it on HD DVD or Blu Ray whenever it comes out.
I haven't seen the movie... yet. But am sure loving the game on PS3. Same with the new Harry Potter movie. The game is great on PS3.

Half way through my wife and I looked at each other and said "We're buying this on DVD!!"

I'm going to go see it again with some church friends. This is the first movie since Jurassic Park I will have seen 2x or more in a theater....
The wife and I ditched the kids last night and went to see it:p, we even got to take my motorcycle out for a change! The CGI was incredible and the overall movie was great. The comments about the Camaro engine having a double pumper carb and high rise intake by Megan Fox and her hotwiring of the tow truck really annoyed me though.... with a movie of this budget and caliber, why do they still insist on trying to impress people with lame crap like this that is totally wrong and could be corrected so easily!

Two other things bothered me... the tendency of action scenes to move so fast and be so close-up that you can't even tell what's happening (Batman Begins was very bad about this as well). Also, they put so much detail into the Transformers that I think it took away from them a bit. It was hard to really make out their key features with so many small parts, if you know what I mean.
I totally agree with Dan's comments. Too much "in your face" action, and too fast pace to really enjoy the concept. We were sitting way back in the theater and I wanted to still move back futher. Left with a headace.:wacko:
Loved the movie. However growing up with the original show I was a little disapointed that Bumblebee was a Camero and not the VW Bug he was suposed to be.

All in all they did keep to the original show with a few changes.
Saw it Saturday night. Best Summer movie this year, so far, nudging out "Live Free or Die Hard" by a bit.

GM stock should go up on Monday due to this movie. Best CGI in a movie since Jurassic Park from the standpoint that it just "worked" and never, ever looked faked. Yes, the action shots were "close in" and with hand-camera type bouncing movement, but that just added to it. A very good, funny, action-packed film for the whole family, IMHO.

Yeah, it's not the Transformers I grew up to, but I still managed to enjoy it quite a bit. Then again I'm a huge special-effects fan, and this movie had lots of very good CG and awesome sounds. The things that bothered me were the plot with cliche' background, overdone vehicles, and some over-acting (even though they were robots)...typical Michael Bey (sp?). I can still recommend it though because it is so entertaining.
Fantastic movie if you want unbelievable CGI and things blowing up every 10 seconds. Visually, it really was spectacular.

The plot was non-existant and the dialogue, while funny at times, was mostly very stilted and unrealistic.

It's also unnecessarily long. (Nearly 2 1/2 hours.) They could have carved out 30 minutes of bad one-liners and Chevy product placement and it would have been a much better film.
I'm sorry about Bumblebee being a Camaro, but I loved the switch from old Camaro to new Camaro. It took me back to when I drove beat up old cars like that, and how I would have felt if one had changed into a new one!

But the "double pumper" thing was pretty ridiculous, considering the four Weber carbs on the cross-ram manifold! At least put a carburetor on it if you're going to have the script call for one!
Piro said:
The plot was non-existant and the dialogue, while funny at times, was mostly very stilted and unrealistic.

I hope you went in with the right expectations. It was a Sci-Fi action film based on a cartoon about robots that transform into stuff.

Anyway, I thought the plot was pretty good. There were several threads and one main thread that held it all together. The plot and subplots were rather "simple", but they were there, and tried to make it seem like it was more than just an "action for action's sake" least for me.

This type of movie is very difficult to "pull off" lest it seem really, really silly and gets panned by audiences. There are few "kids shows turned movies" that have actually "worked", IMHO. Clearly all of the "Power Rangers" one's have failed to be "bigger, more legit" movies, as has the "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles" films. "Master's of the Universe", didn't work either. There have been several attempts, and I feel this will prove to be the most successful to date.

Be ready...more cartoon to movie crossovers are slated says Entertainment Weekly, including:

- GI Joe,

- Alvin and the Chipmunks

- Thundercats

- Master's of the Universe (again...but hopefully not a sucky)

- Smurfs

All to be done as live-action with CG.

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I'm a little old to see such childish movies as Transformers, however I saw Ratatouille and it was great! :D

What was wrong with the Ninja Turtles movies (you talking about the older ones with actors in suits or the new one?) I liked the older ones and have all 3 on DVD. We like to sit around and watch them and reminisce about who was the favorite, who had the toys, who had the bed sheets, etc. Just recently, for one of my friend's birthdays, I bought her a lot of 20 Ninja Turtles toys from eBay (for the grand total of $14) and she loved them b/c it's one of those things it's okay to be childish about. I think a few of us sat at the dining room table and "played" with them for about 30min right after she got them. :lol: