Attn: Jerry - Your Truck Nuts May be in a Vice

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Well-Known Member
Mar 2, 2010
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, GA
Truck nuts have become a free speech issue in South Carolina and is headed to the courts
Oh, and in my professional opinion, your nuts are safe. Totally protected by free speech.

I really think my state sucks sometimer. This totally stupid!

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I think they're tasteless.. but they are funny at the same time... free speech, but, Just because you can, doesn't mean you should... GIT-R-DUN!!!
Wow, I just came across this. WTH are they thinking?

What about the "naked ladies" stickers, emblems?

I think there's cruder stuff out there then "truck nutz".

My wife and I went into the Spencers novelty store at the local mall and they have mroe sexual devices, pictures, tiys, clothes, etc. then most porn shops do but is there a minumum age to go in there, no.

Nothing has ever offended me and made me feel so old until I went in there and saw the things they have in there. They have baby clothes with all kinds of pictures, sayings, etc. that even I said this is wrong.

I don't see the issue of them selling this stuff but they should have an 18 years of age entry rule in place, porn shops do and they don't have have the stuff Spencers has.

Truck Nuts will never be on anything I drive. Why?

I don't ride guys...plain and simple.

Come to south New Jersey, the land of Piney's, pickups and truck nutz. They're all over the place!! It seems like every time I see a "tagged" ricer, I see more nutz on the road. What an arrogant ass the po-po is. He's gonna have to swallow this one! BUT, I'll bet the language in the law gets amended to close any loopholes.... Hmmmm, truck nutz and loopholes, do ya think....... Bob
The next thing you know you'll have to put panty's on your dog. I have my truck nuts swinging, and because they were casterated once they "grew back" If you don't like it, to dam bad! I find the looks of some cars, trees and some of your wife's offensive. Ya gonna ban your ole lady?....Jeeze, just kidding, but some folks need to get a different hobby than watching over the rest of us. :cheeky:
I don't think they're any more of an offensive casting of a bull's anatomy than their horns. At least the horns can kill. Nobody's bringing suit against old Cadillacs with longhorns on the front.
Caymen said:
Truck Nuts will never be on anything I drive. Why?

I don't ride guys...plain and simple.

Maybe they should sell "Truck Labia", or "Truck Cl!t" for you, Tom.

And, if they did, and people put them on their truck (or chick car) would that be okay too?

Tasteless is tasteless.

Free speech as an excuse for being an ass and doing things that aren't acceptable can go too far, IMHO.

I can't walk around with my real nuts hanging out in public, so it seems to me that putting realistic (yes, mine are that big), simulated nuts on my person or my truck should also be restricted and is not covered by free speech.

People that have them on their truck need to grow up, me thinks, and take into account the sensibilities of (most) others around them.

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The point that these are BULL TESTICLES seems to be being missed.

Are you so sure they are supposed to be bull testicles...really?

I see no specific indication of that on, etc.

Having seen both bulls balls and human balls, I can say, they resemble the human variety moreso than that bovine.

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I was just basing that on the article. I've not spent much time investigating neither Truck Nuts, nor bull testicles. The ones on the Wiki are different from any I've seen. I guess those ARE more of the human variety. So, if the article is wrong, I apologize for a lack of due research.

At any rate, no nuts on my trucks. They don't fit my style. Neither do I find them particularly offensive, though; no more than any other bumper sticker stating the various likes and dislikes of the enlightened American public.
Each to there own I guess. I personaly find them tastless. I do find it odd what some folks consider free speech.

I grew up in an era, where you were considered out of sync with society. When you didnt dress and think like the majority. I hated it. There were so many different ways of thinking and dressing. That were still modest, just different. I also found it strange that society forgot. A couple of hundred years ago. Under those powdered wigs, many men had long hair.

I remember a time in church when, if you didnt dress like Pat Boone. You must not be a real Christian..LOL

Problem that alot of society didnt look at, was. Many that did dress like that, were con artist. Which still happens today. You never know what is in someone heart.

I dont dress like alot of folks my age sometimes, but Im modest. The Ideaology of not being the same has stuck with me. After the Army, at the plant. We were issued uniforms for free. Werent required to wear them though. So I bought my own work jeans and shirts.

With that said. I have no problem with someone wanting to be different. But I do have a problem with what has gone overboard with what is called gen x. There is some things that are plum weird and really lacking of modesty.