Attn:WFoy -- My Bad

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Terry Schultz

Active Member
Aug 28, 2005
Reaction score
Texas City, TX
NYJ -- Not to dispute anything that you have said - have you gone to his forum, his site, and posted your problems ?? I did not.

I am the one that started these, Attn:Wayne, posts. Someone pointed out, "did you try posting on his site". I had not ! MY BAD. That is where he does his job, not here.

I went to his site and posted and asked, Next day response.

His job begins at his site. Try him there on his grounds. Everyone, including myself, do not expect him to come here and sooth us.

Phone calls and e-mails may help his job --- but bottom line his job is generated from his web site.

Real world - one on one service - is not like a local dealer in todays world. A web site e-mail can gererate "How many" inputs from outside.



I did not do this and it was MY fault not his.
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I have had good luck with Wayne thru his forum so far. I guess it's kind of like going to any store and buying a product. Generally, you can call that store, but really won't get any help to speak of unless you actually go there. Wayne's forum is like his store. There are other sponsors of this site that also respond well when contacted directly thru their site, but they don't come here to handle business. Of course, SST, Richard, and JD are active here probably for the enjoyment of the site as much as due to their sponsorship.

There I go sticking my nose in the situation. Just my $.02 worth.[Broken External Image]:

I agree other sponsers have been here -- and others have not !!

Ijust say, THINK, any e-mail business is at their web site. I DID NOT GO THERE, but yet I complained here.

MY FAULT -- not his

I have been e-mailing Wayne. I have been e-mailing back and forth with his assistant Keith. I do get responses from Keith- but never the new program that he keeps promising. I don't expect Wayne to respond to me here. He has at least 10 emails from me that he could respond to.
John, no offense, but it seems to me you're being kinda stubborn. Is there a reason you won't post on his forum? I understand you're upset, but have you thought that, after 10 e-mails, maybe there is some reason you're not getting a response, either he's not getting yours or you're not getting his? With the number of posts you've made, it wouldn't have taken a fraction of the time to make one post on his site where he's sure to see it.

I have been biting my tongue about this, but at the Louisville meet I actually spoke to WFoy. He barely made eye contact, said "Hi" and walked away.

He may be technically savvy about tuning our tracs, but he has no people or business skills. He was busy setting up an XCal (I think it was yours, in fact), but I was ready to buy as well that day.

He foiled my plan to purchase the tuner at the meet, and when I asked for information through a thread on this site a few days after the meet, he replied to me and several others with a generic e-mail which didn't answer even half of the questions I had about his product. Several of us were trying to get a Group Buy price on his XCal. He seemed receptive, and then he just disappeared from the site. Shortly after, all these "Attn: WFoy" threads began.

I don't know about anyone else, but I put a lot of stock in "word of mouth" feedback on companies. All the recent feedback on this "sponsor" seems to be negative. Right now I am thankful WFoy is so inept, because if he had been a good saleperson I would now own his product. If it didn't work, I would be stuck with a $300+ piece of junk, because apparently he is too busy selling to new "suckers" to help the poor unfortunates who already have his products. :(
Jeff C - again- I have been speaking to Wayne's assistant via e-mail. you can't tell me that Wayne doesn't speak to his assistant His assistant - Keith, keeps telling me- "Ok I forwarded the info to Wayne, he'll email you tommorrow" and " Wayne needs your PCU code so he can send the new tune" That indicates to me that Wayne and his assistant do speak to each other. so to sum it up again- I have called Hypnotic Illusionsleft a message on the answering machine only to have Wayne respond right here on this site aying that his Nextell phone service was down. What the hell a Nextell phone has to do with an answering machine I have no idea nut that was his answer. I guess his Nextell phone deleted the e-mails I sent him too. Then stepped in Keith his assistant- who I guess tried to help me but if Wayne doesnt take the time to actually program the new tune, then Keith can't send it to me. I don't see why I should have to post yet another message to Wayne on his site after all the e-mails between me and Keith. They know I'm here waiting. I'm actually tired of typing so, I dont know, maybe tomorrow if I dont here from Wayne or Keith I'll post a msg on his site.
I've actually had my Xcal for over a year, so he wasn't installing mine.

So, you tried talking to him while he was trying to install a tuner? Would you walk up to a cash register at a store and interrupt someone in the middle of being checked out, and expect for the cashier to just walk off to help you leaving the person at the register standing? I realize you were only there a short while, but maybe he didn't know that. He sold an installed 10 Xcals during the meet, and it does take time to get them tuned, programmed, and installed. Have you considered asking other members here about your questions. I know that I personally sold an Xcal for Wayne, and even let the member who was on the fence drive my truck. Yes $300 is a lot of money, but this is not his site. It's not his store. He pays so he can display a link to HIS site so you can visit there and check out his stuff.

I know he's posted several threads with an FAQ on the Xcal with answers to questions I would never think to ask. Did you check his site or even do a search here? I'm willing to bet all the answers you want could be found within 5min. The Paypal question you were asking about was right there on the front page of his site. Say you go to a baseball game for entertainment, which is why I come here. You see an add on the outfield fence for Lotus. Do you go up to the refreshment stand and try and order a Lotus, or expect the Lotus dealer to be there waiting because he's advertising?

Recent feedback "seems" to be negative. I can find 4 members with negative things to say, one of whom took it all back once he went to Wayne's site and dealt with him there. Wayne sponsors 4-5 sites, he can't spend all day just going from site to site looking for his name to pop up, he has customers he has to deal with.

Since you own a first gen ST, his product will work and it will be the best tune you can get for the ST. The problems are with SCT not having a correct tune for the '07 and with SCT's software, which Wayne is not obligated to support.

Yes I've been defending Wayne and yes I'll keep defending him. He's a friend, and he's even on my speed dial, along with Todd Z. I've given plenty of money to him and never once had a problem that was his fault. In a few weeks I'll be going up for him to do some work on my truck and he's probably gonna be working for the better part of a day/evening on it. I've never gotten service like that anywhere, not even Ford. Go to his site and post your questions and you'll be answered, maybe not within 5min, but you will get an answer.
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JK- Usually when you call a nextell phone, if it is out of service, you will get a recorded message from Nextell saying that. And also - when you call a Nextell phone and it goes to voice mail- there will usually be a recorded message saying something like "your call is being transfered to an automated voicemail system" Then you will hear the persons message if they have one recorded. When I called Wayne's # I didnt get any of those messages and that's why i dont think it's a nextell phone.
I was going to stay out of this because people almost seem to be picking sides but...

Quote from Jeff C.: Since you own a first gen ST, his product will work and it will be the best tune you can get for the ST. The problems are with SCT not having a correct tune for the '07 and with SCT's software, which Wayne is not obligated to support.

Whoa...let's back up a minute here.

It's okay to sell someone a product and make money off them but if there's a problem..."Wayne is not obligated to support". Surely you jest.

I've been in sales most of my life and I can't even imagine being "not obligated to support" something I have personally sold to someone. I understand the problem really is with SCT but it would appear the Xcals were sold by to 1st generation 07 ST owners without SCT/HIA having actually tested them on an 07 ST V8 or they would not have kept selling them without changing the tunes...Or maybe they would:unsure:

HIA's website states on they are a Top 20 SCT dealer on the opening page of their website. I would think a Top 20 dealer would have at least some leverage to get SCT moving on a solution for the Xcal 07 ST tuning issues. Have they? Can that information get posted here? I will be picking up my 07 ST V8 next week and I truly want my first mod to be an Xcal and I want to purchase it from Wayne. It's clear from his posts here that he is a supporter of the Sport Trac and I think he is commited to improving the ST performance. That being said, I can definitely understand why the 07 ST owners are unhappy with spending $379.00 for a product that doesn't completely work. $379.00 is not a lot of money to some of you guys but it is to me so I guess I'll keep it for a while longer until all this is settled.

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No, people were complaining with the connectivity between computer and the Xcal. All Wayne does is get the flash to the vehicle. If people want to mess around with tunes, they do so at their own risk. He's not a computer technician, he can't walk people through installing and connecting programs, and IMO, if you can't install a program and get your computer to see the hardware, you have no business messing around with the tunes b/c you'll do more harm than good.
You guys really have to be putting me on on now - lets try this again in English this time - when you call a Nextell phone- you will hear a message from Nextell saying either A- the phone is out of order OR B- the call is being answered by a voicemail system. I have a Nextell phone, I know this. So..... when you dial a phone number and it rings 5 or 6 times and an answering machine picks up (with out the Nextell message) hat means you have reached a regular "land line" telephone. NOT a nextell phone.

Jeff - plase read my posts again. I never mentioned a computer once. I'm not even at the point of connectecting Xcal to my laptop yet. I wish I was. The problem is with the 87 tune in the Xcal. I wish my problem was as simple as a software program problem.

And I agree with T.J. - $379.00 is a nice chunk of change to me. It's more than my monthly payment for the ST!!!! You can't just take some one's money and then continuosly blow them off after being told there's a problem with the product. That's something credit card co's, State Attourney Generals and Consumer Affairs investigates. And when people make a big enough stink, SCT yanks their distributership.
Pepsico divested itself of Tricon (Yum! Brands) back in 1997. Yum! is an independent company now. My brother owns 9 KFCs and two Taco Bells. See the link for details.
I stand corrected, Nelson. I was under the impression that Pepsi spun off Tricon, then that became Yum! but that there was still an ownership/controlling relationship, but I see now it's truly it's own company. But I suspect the board of directors roster reads like an "old boys club" of former Pepsi execs.

NYJohn. Just got off the phone with Wayne; he is going to call you today and will either e-mail you another tune file, send you a disc, or he may even upload the tune file in his library for you. If you are not contacted by this evening let me know and I'll get in touch with him.