Bad Drivers Post Then on The Web!

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Great.. So now the people that do 50 in the left lane on the highway can post about all the impatient "speeders" doing the limit or 5 over and how they are a menace and should not be able to drive...

Here is an example of some of the ridiclous posts on there:

Plate Michigan XBS115

Received Saturday, December 16, 2006

Vehicle green PONTIAC grandprixgt

Location flint (Michigan)

Incident I was on Dort Hwy at kfc and i seen the driver of the car eating a 3piece krispy strip meal ooooooooooomg it look so thick and juicy

Title Bad Weather Cut Off

Plate Michigan UBQ-888

Received Thursday, December 07, 2006

Vehicle Maroon FORD Minivan

Location Southfield (Michigan)

Incident I was going North on M-39 and weather was getting nasty (snow) and the ramp to M-10 was icy due to the conditions so everyone slowed down to prevent accidents and here comes this idiot who cuts me off and I have to slam on my brakes and slide on the ramp. Be cautious of this driver they drive like a complete butthole and also weave in an out of traffic...hey moron your gonna cause an accident and then that destination that you are in such a hurry to get to wont even see you arrive!!! I hope I am there to tell you I told you so!!!!!!

Title Careless behavior

Plate North Carolina BADRIFAY

Received Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Vehicle Red, blue, yellow, black, green Other All that I usually see

Location Fayetteville (North Carolina)

Incident It is not just a single incident, driving in Fayetteville you take your life at risk. These people drive to fast, they do not pay attention to school zones. They do not move over for emergency vehicles, which NC law damands. They do not even pay attention to poor road conditions, they just continue talking on their cell phones, and severely exceeding safe speeds! They do not take in consideration that not only are they risking their lives but, everyone around them!

I don't agree with sites like this., especially if law enforcement is using it like you say thet are. IF that was the case, I can log on and make numerous posts about this neighbor I don't like and how I always see him running over small animals, kids, drinking shots of vodka on his way to his car in the morning...etc... (not really, but what is to stop me??)

If it was a state sponsored site then I would be all for it but it's just a commercial site looking to make money. I doubt local police jurisdictions would give it the time of day.
I see where you can send a wink to another driver too. So it isn't all bad. I could post a dozen plates a day in OKC. Of course, I could be tagged for going too fast as well. I figure my driving speed went up 5-10 mph when I bought the Mazda. I drove like a grandpa in the ST, so I could keep the sunny side up. :)
guess id be hittin it rich, since i drive a big box truck, when delivering beer. i see morons everywhere when i go into the city. i hate it when u have those people who one, make a turn or change lanes without using a turn signal but using there mirror and two, those who do use the turn signal but dont use the mirror. i guess when buying and driving a car, the brain of the driver didnt come standard.
Wouldn't it be concidered hear say..? What if somebody posts something just to get back at somebody they don't like? If I were a cop, I'd want more proof. After all the time it takes to investigate if the posts are legit claimes would cost money and time.
I could post at least a dozen a day from here. Course, I'd be reported for eating Taco Bell while driving, or talking on a cell phone or going Limit+5.... oh well. It's still not nearly as bad as some of the "drivers" around here.
This site is a bad idea. If it were state-by-state, official, and complaints were verified and taken seriously it would be worthwhile. But right now, this is just a rant blog that only people who are really bored at work would even bother to read.

I see a--hole drivers everyday, going recklessly fast, using turn-only lanes to pass, changing 3 lanes at a time bombing for an exit ramp, etc.. 9 out of 10 times the car is a BMW 325i. The tenth time it's an Audi A4 or a totally riced-out Civic or Subaru. So numerous are the BMW 325 *********s that I've conditioned myself to go to full alert mode when I see one of those stupid nostril-looking BMW grilles coming up in my mirrors. I now have a pants-sh!ttingly loud horn I got off a car ferry that is just for people in BMWs, ricers and people cutting me of while they talk on the phone. It's a freeway, not a European road race!
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Reminds me of the shtick by a comedian I heard a few years ago, I forget who it was, who said that when you get your drivers license, it should come with a paintball gun. Anytime you're driving and you see someone doing something unsafe or illegal, you would then hit their car with a paintball. Cops could then ticket cars that have more than twelve paintball marks. If the driver wanted to go to court to challenge it, the court would just say that the driver has already been found guilty by a jury of twelve of their peers.
Reminds me of the shtick by a comedian I heard a few years ago, I forget who it was, who said that when you get your drivers license, it should come with a paintball gun. Anytime you're driving and you see someone doing something unsafe or illegal, you would then hit their car with a paintball. Cops could then ticket cars that have more than twelve paintball marks. If the driver wanted to go to court to challenge it, the court would just say that the driver has already been found guilty by a jury of twelve of their peers.


You probably don't want to hear the number of times a day I wish I had a paintball gun mounted behind my head lights Bond style.
Reminds me of the shtick by a comedian I heard a few years ago, I forget who it was, who said that when you get your drivers license, it should come with a paintball gun. Anytime you're driving and you see someone doing something unsafe or illegal, you would then hit their car with a paintball. Cops could then ticket cars that have more than twelve paintball marks. If the driver wanted to go to court to challenge it, the court would just say that the driver has already been found guilty by a jury of twelve of their peers.

That was a comedy routine? I better stop now.