Battery Problem

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Oct 17, 2019
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2n Gen Owner
Hello everyone, my 08 xlt 4x4. My battery keeps losing charge. The battery is one year old. I will go to start and nothing.
It seems to drain if I don't drive it every few days. If I don't drive for two weeks it goes dead.
Any help is appreciated.
Let's see if I can help. I have a similar model and it is a limited. My battery would drain to the point over about 3-5 days there wasn't enough charge to turn over. I had to replace my battery about 4 times over a five year period. I will keep this short as possible. I took me some time to determine the problem. First, how quickly does the battery drain? If it drains overnight, it is most likely alternator diodes. Even if your charging light does not come one, if there are up to 3 diodes, the alternator can still charge. If you have an inductive digital test meter, you put the clamp around the battery cable to see any parasitic draw while the engine and all accessories are off - in other words, doors closed and key out of ignition. Wait up to 45 minutes before checking to ensure al systems have shut down. The other way is to put your hand on the alternator after the engine is cold and if the alternator is warmer than the engine, the diodes are probably shorting. The hardest thing you will need to do next if the alternator checks out is do a fuse by fuse removal. My problem ended up being the smart junction box SBJ(under the driver's side dash. It is also a fuse box). Mine is either one of two fuses and I haven't determined which yet. The number 2 and/or 3 are intermittently drawing. When I removed them it solved the problem. The SJB has other relays etc that cannot be replaced, the entire SBJ requires replacing. Good luck, took me hours.
Let's see if I can help. I have a similar model and it is a limited. My battery would drain to the point over about 3-5 days there wasn't enough charge to turn over. I had to replace my battery about 4 times over a five year period. I will keep this short as possible. I took me some time to determine the problem. First, how quickly does the battery drain? If it drains overnight, it is most likely alternator diodes. Even if your charging light does not come one, if there are up to 3 diodes, the alternator can still charge. If you have an inductive digital test meter, you put the clamp around the battery cable to see any parasitic draw while the engine and all accessories are off - in other words, doors closed and key out of ignition. Wait up to 45 minutes before checking to ensure al systems have shut down. The other way is to put your hand on the alternator after the engine is cold and if the alternator is warmer than the engine, the diodes are probably shorting. The hardest thing you will need to do next if the alternator checks out is do a fuse by fuse removal. My problem ended up being the smart junction box SBJ(under the driver's side dash. It is also a fuse box). Mine is either one of two fuses and I haven't determined which yet. The number 2 and/or 3 are intermittently drawing. When I removed them it solved the problem. The SJB has other relays etc that cannot be replaced, the entire SBJ requires replacing. Good luck, took me hours.
Thanks for your help
Thank you so much for this information. Will give it a try. I'll have to get inductive digital test meter.
FYI, the reason batteries go bad is when they discharge they create sulfides on the plates and over time they build up and cannot no longer exchange the proper electrolytes between the plates because they blocked.
Thanks appreciate the information
Do you have the amp behind the back seat ?? Unplug it.... See if there is water on the floor after a rain.
Check to make sure your glove box light is not staying on. Check the lighter plugs to see if they have a penny in them.
In the AM truck NOT running, pop the hood and feel the alternator and another part of the engine to see if its hotter then the other. Could be a bad diode in the alternator. YES it will put out 14V but drain over night.

If not the testing begins with the draw tests as stated above.
It could be very simple. My nearly 5 year old Lexus battery was not dead, but did not have enough power to start. I called the dealer to inquire about warranty replacement. He said the battery is probably ok, but the problem is Covid 19 in which we drive much less than normal. Like going to a grocery 2 miles from home, but nowhere else. I thought about that, and realized that the only places I have driven for a month is very short drives that take a lot of juice to start the car, but does not completely recharge before shutting down, especially with my lights and radio on all the time.
and, when I get home, with my lights on automatic, they burn for 4-5 minutes after I have stopped charging. So, yesterday, I recharged the battery. Not sure if I will drive more, but I will be more aware of battery robbing juices like keeping lights and radio to a minimum.
I’ve posted about this before but my ‘10 Adrenalin was killing batteries overnight about a year ago. Had checked and there were no real parasitic drains. Turns out the source of the short was on the underside of the main wiring harness around where the battery connects. There was corrosion under there that was not visible but once cleaned up, she runs fine! Did also have a similar issue that turned out to be a bad sub-amp behind drivers rear seat
My charging system is up to par, no parasitic draw. I have all the meters I need to check things.
I Just got 3 bad Advance auto AGM batteries in a 2 1/2 yr period.
Now because of one free exchange and no pro-rating anymore. They gave me their new Die-Hard AGM with no warranty. When it go's, I will have $$$ out of pocket, for a battery.
I recently found out, that not very many pro-rated batteries, from anyone. One exchange after that the $$$ is on you.
My charging system is up to par, no parasitic draw. I have all the meters I need to check things.
I Just got 3 bad Advance auto AGM batteries in a 2 1/2 yr period.
Now because of one free exchange and no pro-rating anymore. They gave me their new Die-Hard AGM with no warranty. When it go's, I will have $$$ out of pocket, for a battery.
I recently found out, that not very many pro-rated batteries, from anyone. One exchange after that the $$$ is on you.
Good luck and I hope that was all it was. My system was charging the battery but then killing it when taken off the charger
My battery was dying after a couple days. I bought one of those Capacitor based jump boxes to keep me from being stranded. I checked everything associated with charging and all fuses. When I checked the fuses, the radio was it. I would pull both the radio and the amp. Eventually I found a replacement radio on eBay and the battery drain stopped. I know I can go 2wks without driving it and all’s fine but 2 months and the interior lights are low and the battery is at 9VDC.
I had an Optima battery in my Jeep for 12 years. When it was 11 years old and still working fine I drove the Jeep to a 4WD trade show and showed a photo of the battery with the date code to the Optima rep. He too took the photo to his national sales meeting and they sent me a bunch of Optima goodies to acknowledge the longevity.

So when the opportunity came along to buy a 6-month old Optima battery we had been using on an electric fork lift for my ST, I jumped at the chance. It came with the necessary adapter plates to secure it in an Explorer. I've been using it for 18 months now. No more terminal corrosion. The starter turns the engine over faster and my ST can sit for a couple of weeks without any issues. It starts the truck in bitter cold weather with no problems.

I've always been someone willing to invest in something that lasts a long time rather than being a cheapskate and getting the lowest cost alternative. My luck with the Optima in the Jeep made this a no-brainer purchase since the Ford OEM battery the dealership put in only lasted 2 years.

AutoZone shows a 3 year warranty on these batteries.
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I run AGM batteries, All gel or solid, No leaks or rot.... The gen 2 is a horrible design, The battery leaks, drips into the tray, runs out the tray drain, on top of the wiring harness !!! Stupid Ford design.

I had to repaint the area on 1 truck due to this.....
I love the Optima batteries in my Sport Trac. The first one lasted about 6 years and I just replaced it a few months ago. I keep a charger on it because I don't drive the truck that often.
I love the Optima batteries in my Sport Trac. The first one lasted about 6 years and I just replaced it a few months ago. I keep a charger on it because I don't drive the truck that often.
I hear the Optima batreries need a special charger. Anyone heard that?

I had the yellow Optima and loved it. But mine died out of town with the Alternator on the way home 500 miles from home. Got stuck with buying an O'Rileys battery 200.00 and a Ford dealership alternator 500.00. That when I got to see the Gauges to there dance from low power.
Hope I'm not jinxing myself, but my DieHard Platinum P-2 Group 65 AGM made by EnerSys is still going strong since 12/18/09. @Todd Z recommended it back then, but I never expected anything close to this longevity. Unfortunately Sears discontinued these long ago. Hopefully there's something comparable when the time comes to replace it. 930CCA with 135 minute reserve.


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I hear the Optima batreries need a special charger. Anyone heard that?

I had the yellow Optima and loved it. But mine died out of town with the Alternator on the way home 500 miles from home. Got stuck with buying an O'Rileys battery 200.00 and a Ford dealership alternator 500.00. That when I got to see the Gauges to there dance from low power.

Optima charger
I hear the Optima batreries need a special charger. Anyone heard that?

I had the yellow Optima and loved it. But mine died out of town with the Alternator on the way home 500 miles from home. Got stuck with buying an O'Rileys battery 200.00 and a Ford dealership alternator 500.00. That when I got to see the Gauges to there dance from low power.
They are just expensive AGM batteries and if you needed a special charger for them then they would not be suitable for automobiles.

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