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Well-Known Member
Jan 30, 2002
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Sugar Land, TX
They have finally recalled my wife's 97 Expedition to fix the faulty cruise control switch but they still haven't recalled my ST even though it has the exact same switch. I guess it's going to take a few more deaths for Ford to recall the rest of the problem vehicles.

Rocco's right... chances of getting in a plane crash or struck by lightning are higher than those odds.
Give them a break, there may be certain lots of the switch that have the issue. Just because it is the same exact part / part number / model / type... doesn't mean that they are all faulty. There may have been a batch that they see the issue with.

Besides, with the NHTSA involved, they won't let it become another Firestone fiasco.

Not to mention this isn't like tires where there are replacements readily available. They're going to need to order a whole lot of new switches, and you'll only have the Ford option to have it replaced. If they do get to the Tracs, they're probably going to need to stagger the recall so they can get to everyone / have enough replacements.

550 in 4 million, that is .0001375%

I wouldn't worry about it. I would be more worried about the clown next to you trying to eat a Big Mac while talking on his phone watching a DVD movie on his commute to work.


America is a great country at times, the reason, our Constitution, part of which is "freedom of speech", maybe that is why sometimes we speak without thinking. Hey I am not getting off on anyone here, I'm just responding to this post. Sometimes we should think about certain things and this is one matter that we should give very serious attention.

Rocco and Darin agrees that the odds of the fire happening is very small. I hope it doesn't happen at all, but what if you become part of the statistics, will you still feel the same way?

What about you Nobleman? You seem like a very learned man, but I have to disagree with you as well because the problem with the switch is not parts but design. I will not go into the specifics and technicalities. I downloaded it somewhere into my database ,the website with all the details of the design etc.

One can build a house out of bricks instead of wood or straw and it will still fall down if the design is wrong and that is the problem, 'design'.

That is why Ford has gone with a different design, you can correct me here but I think they even went to a different company to design and supply the new switch.

As a Great Nation with so much wealth in resources, I think it is about time we start being pro-active instead of re-active. Yes, money run things. Ford knows about the problem, and have known for a very long time and so does the NHTSA and they can get the switch replaced. No life is worth the price of a new switch. So don't say" Give them a break". How much break do you want them to have? Are your shares and or stocks being affected my the recall?

TomT, I feel your pain and agree but shouting and cursing at Ford will not help, trust me it does not work, been there, didn't do that. Great Idea Scott Simon, Letters was how I got my situation sorted. Still love my ST - "BUILD FORD TOUGH!!!";)

And that is my opinion.

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The switch will be replaced. I don't think anyone really has to be concerned about the vehicle catching fire before it gets replaced. (Caymen had a good point about the guy in the next vehicle being a greater risk.) There is a chance it will happen, but a very small chance. And you take greater risks crossing a street on foot than what you will face from this switch. That's the only point I was trying to make.

And if someone is still concerned about the possibility, don't drive the vehicle until the switch is replaced or get rid of the vehicle and buy a new one. I realize that's easier said than done, but I believe the chance of that happening is even lower than the switch causing a fire.

May not help me get the recall but it definitely helps me to vent. And I'm with you on the pro-active PJ. Those statistics you guys are pointing out only apply to the reported cases which is probably a very small percentage of the actual. Take it from me, the majority of vehicle fires are not investigated.
I agree with Caymen, that the guy in the car next to you poses a greater risk. However, why sweat this switch issue when, for less than $20 and 15 minutes of your time, you can eliminate the fire hazard by yourself? Why wait for a recall?
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I agree with you Eric, but the recall is not really the issue for me, it's admitting that there is a problem and fixing the problem, instead of reacting later, that is being pro-active. I have the switch on my ST but it is not connected because I dont need it, furthermore my ST is Manual Shift, I don't like cruise control so when I ordered my ST, I left off the cruise control option .
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Back in the 70's, Ford had a problem with with the Pinto exploding when rear ended.

Ford decided that it was cheaper to pay the lawsuits then it was to fix the problem.

Anyone want to care to guess who made that decision?

Rocco and a few others. Beg your pardon but would any who think of this as a little problem feel the same way if you were the 551st claim and it burned down your garage and cost you a family member or two? 500+ complaints before someone says "Hey we have a major screwup here" Sorry I love my sport trac but I've seen Ford and these other companies allowing a lot of hazardous screwups to endanger or kill just a few people. Hey keep sending up the shuttles, only a few have had problems. ;):wacko:
I didn't say it wasn't a problem. I said the odds were that it wouldn't happen to you. Personally, if I was working 6909:1 odds in my favor I would take that bet any day. Hell, 19 years ago I had back surgery where the odds of leaving me a cripple were 100:1 against

and I thought those were great! (In fact the complete picture was 4:5 it would get better, 1.5:10 it would result in no change, 4:100 it would get worse and 1:100 it would cripple me.)

All I'm saying is it's nothing to get your panties in a wad over. If it does happen it will be horrible, but the odds are greatly in your favor it won't happen, so why lose sleep over it. If someone is still worried, they should take steps to reduce the odds of it happening to zero. Stop driving the vehicle, disconnect the switch, replace it yourself, sell the car, whatever. But don't fret about it.

Jeez. Talk about twisting someone's words.

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Just for interesting conversation. My first car was a 1974 Ford Pinto. (The one with the supposed exploding gas tanks) This car was severely rearended twice. (On the gas tank side) It never exploded. Who knows - maybe I was just lucky.

I paid $2400 for it brand new, drove it 120,000 miles and sold it for $600.00. In my book this was one of the best car values I ever owned.

Just for interesting conversation. My first car was a 1974 Ford Pinto. (The one with the supposed exploding gas tanks) This car was severely rearended twice. (On the gas tank side) It never exploded. Who knows - maybe I was just lucky.

I paid $2400 for it brand new, drove it 120,000 miles and sold it for $600.00. In my book this was one of the best car values I ever owned.


Tom T,

just take it down to the dealership, and tell the Tech Advsior to take a look, pop the hood and show him.

if he or she doesn't get it, tell him/her "this is the very switch on creating havoc on in the news" you just might get it replaced :)

Quit all the whining and moaning. In the time that you have gotten all worked up, you could have bought the replacement switch for $20 bucks and replaced it yourself. I replaced mine 3 months ago.

If you want to be "upset" with a company, why don't you get mad at Texas Instruments, they made the switch. Drive to Texas, and maybe you can stand in front of Corporate HQ with a sign, get the local TV station to interview how enraged you are. Then, maybe some engineer with some pencils in his front pocket and thick glasses will walk out and hand you a replacement switch.
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