Broadband question, (or something like it).

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Kevin Palmer

Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2001
Reaction score
Madison, OH
As most of you know I travel the airports though out the country 5 days a week 2 to 4 flights a day. I have been looking into broadband. Through Verizon it costs $79.00 a month and the card is either $99 or $149 depending on which you get.

Presently when I travel I use my cell phone as a modem and search the net at 115kbs. With broadband that will get me 400 to 500 by comparison.

Is there another system out there that is cheaper by the month or is this the best thing going right now.

Thanks in advance,,,,
If you're speaking of the EV-DO card, I think only Verizon has it, but I'm not sure.

I think they're supposed to be knocking down the monthly rate to $60.
I do not know if that is what the card is refereed to but I would like to see the price lowered.

Any clue on when if so?
I thought it was already knocked down.

However I see that they have a national access at $60 and a broadband access at $80. I guess it was another sales gimmick. This is why I hate verizon.

But if you're in the airport 2-4 times a day, why not use wi-fi and the hotspot in the terminal? Don't most airlines offer free access now?
Most of the airlines still charge a nominal fee. The problem is that there is about 6 companies that provide service. So if I pay the 6 bucks at MDW and then fly to STL I have to pay again. If they were all the same company I would do it in a heart beat.

Like everything else in the computer/communications/technology world, If you can wait about 6 months everyone and their brother will be offering the service at half the price of companies on the bleeding edge.

I suspect you will soon be seeing companies like Cingular/AT&T, AlTel, SBC/Yahoo, AOL, NetZero, etc will soon have competing products and the prices will drop like a rock. I got SBC/Yahoo DSL last March for $26.95 a month and the following month it was $5. lower. Now NetZero has DSL for $14.95 a month. I'm guessing in another year it will be $9.95 and the first 6 months will be free. :lol:

Sprint rolled out evdo at every major airport already. the system already is faster and more extensive than verizons.

also its cheaper.

you might want to consider a pda phone such as the new ppc6700. you can probably leave your laptop at home with that baby, or at the very lease combine a minute plan with the phones evdo unlimited data and then tether it to your laptop.

its also great for mp3s, and videos to watch during the upgrading from the ppc6600 myself
Hi Kevin...Depending on where you are hanging out at the different airports most of the private operators on the field have free wireless internet up and running. At MDW I know the Signature and Millionaire facilities both provide it but the terminal may be a little far across the airport to "see" it. I run an old 300 MHz laptop (don't laugh) and wireless card and other than occassionally having to run winipcfg to release and renew an ip address (when changing airports) it gets the job done...I too am kind of waiting for the next "big" release of wireless technology at a cheap price :)

VZW's network is the largest high-speed network out there right now and will be for at least a year, since they stared building 18 months earlier. Sprint has announced that they are launching in "business centers". That makes it an overgrown hotspot. VZW's service is $59.99 if you have a voice line active on the account also. Sprint matched VZW's price on the monthly service right after they changed. I have the Kyocera 650 card and it works very well.