Bullied kid fights back and gets suspended

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That little punk should be happy he only got body slamed.

You can only push someone so far before they crack. At that point, they become a beast and destroy. If more people looked at this by that persopective, we would have less issues in this world.

This is how this thread will proceed. TJR will start calling things moot and than anyone that feels the same as he does Gary S. will post some assinine picture of a squirrel or a grasshopper and make some comment that I would just shoot someone. Bill Barber will directly attack me for my post.

After a few months, someone will make a mass posting dogging myself and a few select members.

Any takers on this?

The bully got exactly what he deserved (broken):banana::rofl:

I bet you no other kid will ever try to :soap: with the fat kid again after that, especially since they have video of what he'll do if you try it.

You can say what you want about "he could've walked away" ya and have that happen to him again and again, he's been bullied for awhile and I'm proud of him for taking a stand and defending himself.

Sure he deserved to get suspended as did the bully because of what he did but I'm pretty sure he and his parents are ok with that. Some of the teachers are probably proud of him too, not happy that he was forced to do it but happy that he finally stood up for himself.

Bill V,

You are right. I should not have said "always". More appropriate would have been if I said "one can usually walk away", or "one can often walk away."

I'm no pacifist, even though my current religious affiliation would state otherwise. If someone is itching for a fight, there are times you should oblige them.

I'm not saying larger means you should tolerate more crap. I guess I'm going to go all Spiderman the movie on you. To me, it's more like: With great power comes great responsibility.

The bigger kid was just that, bigger, more powerful. Should he have restrained himself completely? No.

I just think he was very lucky not to have put that kid in the hospital.

I don't know how else to say it. A proper analogy might be pulling a gun out during a fist fight. Doesn't so much matter who started it, or why, at that point. But its going to get finished, quickly, if that trigger gets pulled.

P.S. Thanks for the 5 sec reference. I watched the video several times and SOMEHOW missed that punch every time. The only one I saw was the deflected one, then the foot dancing.

With that said, and with this new found info, I do find that the big kid used restraint, or was dazed. If he restrained himself, that's great. Good for him.

Still, that body slam is 10x worse than that punch to the face.

But, then again, don't start none, won't be none.


Funny. Very funny. But your post is somewhat moot. :banana:



One from the Internet Archives, also filed under "don't let your mouth or hands write checks that your arse can't cash!"

<iframe title="YouTube video player" width="480" height="390" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/10b2ZTYmmWA" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Anyone interested can Google Epic Bearded Man and see the adult version of this smack down.

Kid got what he deserved and probably wont mess with the bigger kid again.
I will confess to the fact I was on the recieving end grade 1 to 12. Barely 0ver 100lbs and shorter than the bullies. The times I did stand up, I lost.

After graduation I still put up with it from the same people, at times.

I joined 3yrs Army. One year latter I weighed 170lbs.

I enjoyed every bit of my 2yrs in 'Nam. No PTSD here.:bwahaha: When the ocassion rose after the Army. I didnt look for it, but when it found me. I came out the victor most of the time.

I know exactly how it feels to be bullied. I use what I have experianced, to talk to kids I see. Whether they are the agressor or the reciever. When my elementry teacher X-wife had a new class. She would let me talk to the kids about the right and wrong and the pit falls.

I try and help the bullied to not be ashamed. I try to reason with the bullies, as to why they feel they need to. I sometimes watch the kids in my neighbor hood. When I see it is not mutual combat. I break it up.


Funny. Very funny. But your post is somewhat moot." :bwahaha:

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IMO the little kid got what he deserved in the first video.

The second video that occurred in the store, the huge black dude showed excessive force. And if it were me in the situation, he wouldn't have dream of catching me as I know I can outrun him.

As far as the Epic Bearded Man, the black dude was warned and kept running his mouth, again got what he deserved.

Myself, I'm 21, 150 lbs soaking wet and 5'6" on my toes. I was picked on in high school as being "the little guy". My father is the exact same size as me, but heavier (muscle and as he calls it "insulation"). I joined the football team in middle school weighing under 100 lbs and less than 5' tall, and again was laughed at. My last 3 years of high school I had a PE class called Weight Training. I spent a lot of time hitting the weights and really bulked up. Also spent some time wrestling and with a heavy bag. Like my father now, we have dealt with the "small guy" bullying by the bigger people and have knocked some bigger people on their butt. I can now say that nobody that knows me really messes with me.

At this point I can't stand bullying of any kind and deal with it accordingly.
I agree the smaller kid had it coming. I doubt he will do it again.

I wonder what people here WOULD have thought excessive?

If the bigger kid pummelled the little one once on the ground, after the body slam, would that be excessive?

If he picked him up, put his head in a locker, slammed the locker door repeatedly, would that be excessive?

Or, is there no line. Are many here of the opinion that SINCE the little guy started it, any and everything that gets unleashed on him is okay...no line?

Also, does anyone know the back story, or the follow-on story on this? Was the big kid the quiet type that gets picked on, or was this a back and forth thing for some time?

Yes, the little guy had a smack down coming...he got one, and then some.

I agree there is a line. Once the smaller kid was body slammed anything passed that would have been excessive. The slam stopped the kid from doing anything else to the bigger kid, and also put the smaller kid in a position where he couldn't defend himself at that point. IMO if you do something to immobilize the person for a time or put that person in a position where there is no way for them to defend them self, anything further is excessive. I do also agree that the bigger kid did have other options rather than body slamming the kid. Grabbing someone by the collar and sternly talking to them is pretty effective and usually has no physical harm. My father has done this to me and scared the crap out of me numerous times.
The little "twerp" got a 21 day suspension while the bigger kid got a 4 day suspension. Excessive would be him stomping the kid in the ground. The kid used just enough physical retaliation since the little kid didn't both coming back for round 2.
THERE are only so many times you can try to turn the other cheek.

A Sydney schoolboy has become an internet sensation after video emerged of him body-slamming another student during a verbal and physical attack.

Striking back for bullying victims everywhere, the Year 10 boy - who pleaded with his tormenter to leave him alone - picked up his attacker and slammed him to the ground.

The teenager, said to have been bullied all his school life, was backed up against a wall, taunted and punched by a younger, smaller boy.

The victim, identified on Facebook as Casey Heynes, took a hit to the face and then more blows as the Year 7 boy goaded him to fight.

Start of sidebar. Skip to end of sidebar.

Related CoverageVictim of school bullying a web hero Adelaide Now, 15 hours ago

Bully has taste of own medicine Herald Sun, 15 hours ago

Bullied boy fights back and is suspended The Daily Telegraph, 1 day ago

School bully victims paid $1m The Daily Telegraph, 19 Dec 2010

School bullies don't learn their lesson The Daily Telegraph, 11 Jul 2010

.End of sidebar. Return to start of sidebar.

Why bullying is not just childs play - Join our legal expert's blog, send questions

Suddenly Casey had had enough. He launched himself at his attacker, picked him up and threw him to the ground.

The younger boy staggered away, stunned and hurt.

Both students were suspended for four days after the incident on Monday.

Footage of the fight at Chifley College, Dunheved Campus at North St Marys, was posted online and drew hundreds of comments on Facebook - mostly in support of Casey.

Casey's father said yesterday his son had been the victim of bullying for several years and feared for his safety if he spoke about the fight.

"There'll be reprisals from other kids in the school and he still has to go to school somewhere," he said.

"He's not a violent kid, it's the first time he's lashed out and I don't want him to be victimised over that.

"He's always been taught never to hit. Apparently other people's parents don't teach their kids that."

Students said violence was a daily occurrence with fights often filmed and posted online.

"The fights I have seen here, it's horrible. It really makes me feel unsafe," one said. A classmate added: "People pick on him every single day, they hit him around and stuff, and he just got sick of it and let out the anger."

Online sympathisers have started a "Casey Heynes Anti Bullying Day".

A NSW Department of Education and Training spokeswoman said the school "does not tolerate any violence and deals with all cases according to its community-agreed discipline code".

"Both students in a fight at the school shown on the internet have been suspended ... the only injury sustained was a grazed knee."


Thanks for posting the info.

Tragic that this bigger, gentle giant of a kid was bullied for several years. Tragic that he wasn't given help sooner, and that the school district allowed this all to go on and to breed an environment like the one described.

I guess I'm glad I went to school when I did. Bullying didn't seem to be as big an issue back then. Or, maybe it was, and the years have faded the memory of it; or our increased sensitivity to and reporting of such things has simply heightened our social awareness of it.

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Or, maybe it was, and the years have faded the memory of it; or our increased sensitivity to and reporting of such things has simply heightened our social awareness of it.

TJR, I think you're on the right path there. It's kind of like domestic violence. When the number of reported incidents went from nothing to high numbers many years ago, it was entirely because of increased awareness and reporting of the problem, and not because it hadn't been happening.

From my perspective, bullying was a bigger problem back then, for those very reasons. There were no paths of recourse available other than to knock the tar out of your attacker if you were able to do so.

If the bigger kid pummeled the little one once on the ground, after the body slam, would that be excessive?

Honestly--it depends on the context. Most likely, yes, it would have been excessive--although if the kid has been dealing with this for some time, and having to bottle it up, I would have been able to understand how a 15 year old treated like that would react that way when his fuse gets lit.

But if the school has a history of turning a blind eye, and allowing that to happen, as the story Eddie posted seems to indicate--If the bigger kid truly wants to put an end to this, then it's not sufficient for him to put the kid out of commission for just a few seconds. A longer-term physical message is likely called for. In which case, no, I don't think that continued pummeling would have been excessive. It would have merited a longer suspension, no doubt, but I would still consider it to be acceptable preventative action. The kid needs to protect himself--both now and in the future.
Bill V,

Yes, the kid needs to protect himself, both now and in the future. I agree.

It seems, though, the bigger kid "snapped"...maybe rightfully so. It seems he went from an attitude of ignoring and deflecting (emotionally and physically) the bullying.

That "snap", if it happened, and the long period of "taking it" that seemed to lead up to the snap are both, in and of themselves, not healthy.

Again, I'm not blaming the bigger kid. I blame the kid(s) that bullied. I blame the parents of the kid(s) that bullied, and I blame the school that allowed the environment of bullying...in that order.

And, I blame some of the other kids for not having more cellphone cameras and additional recordings of this. Another angle or two of the fight would have been awesome. (jk)

And, I blame some of the other kids for not having more cellphone cameras and additional recordings of this. Another angle or two of the fight would have been awesome. (jk)

Students said violence was a daily occurrence with fights often filmed and posted online.

Sounds like they have plenty of cell phone videos going there, quite regularly. Surprised someone didn't get hi-def. :)

It seems, though, the bigger kid "snapped"...maybe rightfully so. It seems he went from an attitude of ignoring and deflecting (emotionally and physically) the bullying.

Yep--that's what I was trying to say when I said that it likely would have been excessive, but I could have understood it.

Again, I'm not blaming the bigger kid. I blame the kid(s) that bullied. I blame the parents of the kid(s) that bullied, and I blame the school that allowed the environment of bullying...in that order.

I'll change the order slightly, to the parents of the bullies first, then the school, then the bullies themselves--and then, at the tail end, I'll also toss in the parents of the victim. I drop the bullies themselves to third simply because often times, their actions are based on their own insecurities, and not knowing how to handle them because the parents haven't taught them how to address them. Buy yeah, we're on the same page.
Bill V,

I respect that order and appreciate it given your rationale. Still, I blame the kid over the parents. Yes, most parents bring their kids up to do right from wrong. And, yes, some kids still do wrong, occasionally. But this particular kid (the little kid) was clearly an a-#1 arsehole, and for that, I think parents bear much of the blame. However, to be that big an ahole, at that age, you're just a jerk. Period. No one can blame someone else more than themselves for being a disrespectful jerk.

I may be expecting too much from people, especially kids. I do recognize that most bad kids come from bad parents...but I won't completely accept that defeatist attitude.

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