Bush's approval ratings drop to new low

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Funny--I keep hearing that it's caused by the methane from cows farting. (No I'm not making this up. This is something that they seriously try to attribute it to.)

To think that ol' Bessy caused Katrina... :eek:
Wow. Great discussion.

So I suppose since we like to blame President Bush for the 1800 deaths in Iraq, the next we will be blaming him for are the 50,000 deaths in car accidents every year? Interesting.

Yes yes. Let's stop the war. And while we are at it, let's ban the use of motor vehicles. That would cut down on a much larger number of deaths than war in the Middle East.
Nah, Katrina escaped from an Army meteorological weapons development lab (AMWDL) in Panama.

Bush escaped from the stupid farm.
Rocco - You've been reading way too much of Robert Kennedy's stuff. There is no way that we are causing the increase in hurricanes through global warming. The number and intensity of hurricanes has always been a cyclical/random thing. Sometimes man gets wrapped up too much in his own self-importance and thinks he has control over these things.

There are many scientists that believe that any changes we are seeing globally are part of the natural earth cycle. There are some that believe that while parts of the earth are warming, others are cooling. Heck I remember in the 70s when scientists swore we were headed for the next ice age. There are even some scientists that believe the reason we are seeing warmer temperatures in developed countries is because most official temperatures temps are taken at airports. Airports have grown significantly in since the 60s and the larger area of concrete ramp and runways has lead to the increased temperatures. At least in the scenario, man has created the warming... though on the micro-scale.

The jury is still out on whether or not we are truly globally warming. Even less scientists believe man has much of an influence and you'd be hard pressed to find more than a few that will sign onto man is increasing the hurricane nonsense.


Did I say man was responsible? I thought I spelled out three possibilities...

I believe it IS cyclical. But we are adding to it somewhat - how much is totally unknown at this time. You can't cut down rain forests and create new deserts and spew the crap into the atmosphere we are currently spewing (and I do mean all of humanity) without having some effect. But that effect might be negligible, or it might be significant. The point is - we are not sure what is happening. It's all guesswork.

The jury may be out for some, but most scientists that study it say global warming is real - like it or not. Add to that we are currently in the longest geological period without at least a mini ice age that we can discover using geological evidence. Of course, that too could be perfectly natural. Are we responsible? Who really knows. I sure as hell don't. And as the oceans increase in temperature, there will be more hurricanes and stronger hurricanes until the oceans start to cool down again. (Which evidence also says should happen sometime in the future.) Increased hurricane activity and strength due to higher ocean temperatures is also a natural phenomenon.

But don't say I blame it all on us. I can't say and never have said that definitively. In fact, I never even suggested that was the case. But by the same token, you can't definitvely say we aren't having an effect either. So, wouldn't the prudent thing to do is act as if we are having a significant effect until we know for sure otherwise?

Or is that too conservative a reaction for the so-called conservatives?


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No matter who is in office. During times like these the Pres will be taking a beating. Deserved or otherwise.

It would not matter if Pooh, Piglet, Clinton, JFK etc etc etc was in office. The war is a huge issue that has caused great strain. The Hurricane is a huge issue that is causing great strain. Social Security is a potentially huge issue that is causing great strain.

Rest assure the President gets advice from his adviser to the degree that they tell him what to do. In most cases he is nothing more than the messenger. Don't misunderstand. He has tremendous power. But most President will not utilize the power without much advice from the cabinet that surrounds him.

Soooo, who's fault is the war, the economy, the many issues we as Americans face.... Who knows. These things are so political that I am not sure you could EVER trace it back to a common source...

The only questions I have I would love to ask the Mayor of NO, the Gov's of LA and MS and President Bush:

Two to three days before the storm made landfall it was thought it was going to be a direct hit on NO and cause an unprecedented disaster. If not NO, somewhere close (Biloxi and environs.)

One day before the storm made landfall, it was believed it was definitely going to be a direct hit on NO and cause an unprecedented disaster.

Why didn't all four of you make plans to deal with what was believed was going to be an unprecedented disaster BEFORE it happened so everything would be ready to roll IMMEDIATELY?

Are all four of you total idiots?

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Ahh Rocco. You should know by now that big government wheels don't spin that fast. Takes a week of deliberation before anything gets done. That's why people need to learn to fend for themselves instead of waiting for Big Brother.

While I hear and totally understand what you are saying, I have a real problem with agreeing with it. I have seen the US and State and city governments take very fast action (9/11 anyone? Oklahoma City bombing?) when the stakes were politically high enough. It could have been done this time as well.

Personally, and here is the cynic in me talking again, I really don't think ANY of them realized what a political landmine this was going to turn into. So they didn't look out for it and walked right into the mine field as if it was a field of poppies. (And, yes, that was a deliberate reference to the Wizard of Oz.)


I guess I am a cynic and a dreamer at the same time. A dangerous combination to sanity if there ever was one.

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I don't really believe that was the case.

And I hope to God I am not wrong about that.

I just don't think they thought there would be any political fallout to waiting until after the fact to deal with it. (It was minimal if at all during the Fla storms.) None of them thought the criticism would be this severe.

This, however, really was unprecedented and it caught them with their pants down.

I bet no President, Governor or Mayor gets caught making this same mistake again!

(Is that the dreamer in me talking again? Shite! It's easier being a cynic!)

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