Calculus Question

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George T

Well-Known Member
Aug 9, 2006
Reaction score
Denver, CO
So i am doing this problem. And im stuck. Can anyone help me figure this out...

Derivative of (36cos(x))/(2-sin(x))

Then i have to set it equal to zero and solve for x. Any help please?
Wow that was stupid of me. I figured it out.

Anyway back to studying and doing more homework, boooo

Happy Holidays everyone, be safe out there and enjoy yourselves.:supercool:
What was stupid of you--being unable to solve the question yourself, or thinking that anyone here would have a clue as to how to do it? :)
Being unable to solve it myself lol:grin:

I know there are people on here that can solve it, im pretty positive about that.

Hey it takes calculus to love a Sport Trac :banana: just kidding, its just common sense
You can set the derivative of it to 0 and solve for x to give you the critical points to check for maximum and minimum. As far as the derivative...use quotient rule.
I started into it, but I couldn't remember the rules correctly. It has been 7 years for me. I can balance my checkbook, calculate interest, and measure square footage. I had a feeling I'd never use calculus after high school.
Calculus is a useless mathematical tool used only to teach logic and problem solving.

That's the only reason it is still taught in schools.
Hugh, I'm an engineer.

And I haven't used calculus since college.

I wouldn't have been able to solve George's problem without first spending several hours going through old textbooks, relearning what I've forgotten.
Oh, well, I just knew my engineer friends took a lot of calculus at Georgia Tech. Figured there was a reason for it. Should have known better. No wonder they're all miserable.
Whoa, calculus! Its been 30 years since taking that in college. I almost broke out in a cold sweat reading the question. :throwup:

Glad I don't need to use that stuff anymore though I'm guessing its important for something. :banghead:

I'll stick to Gallagher (Sledge-O-Matic) math... "2 wrongs don't make a right, but 3 rights make a left." :grin:
