Probably because we had families in America then, a middle class and values. Sure bet that was nice.
Im glad I grew up in the baby boomer era.
Bill V, the difference I see, in the modern American family. Is IMO, there are alot more broken homes.
We are a better society in many ways. Tolerent in predujical area's. That we should be tolerent of. We will always have redneckks though..LOL
I do think there are some area's. That morality has gone out the window. One simple example for me is. I have seen alot of good movies, in the last decade. The movie would have been just as good without the
extreme cursing. Stand up Comedy doesnt need all the 4 letter words to be funny.
Some music I grew up with. Might have been sujestive, but. The de-moralized gangsta rap, geting to the top of the charts. Is over the top, IMO. We have good kids from good families listening to it. The lack of parental guidence. Has some kids thinking this is the way society is. I see it in some of my nieces and nefews. Their dis-respect has been groomed from what they listen to. My ex is an elementry teacher. She has watched the change in some good kids over the years because of it.
Im not trying to say values were better when I was younger. There were differences. I dont think it is a mirage. Road rage has always been with us, but. It has grown into a massive everyday incedent. Beyond the finger.
I see this me, me, me and me first. Growing into extreme disrespect for others. I was taught, that. "Bill and I went to black friday sales together" is proper english. Now it is "Me and Bill". I know it is just words, but to me it is a simple sign of dis-respect.
How we speak and what we listen too. Has alot to do with our actions and attitudes. IMO, the broken homes come from the me first attitudes and lack of forgivness.
Hugh and Mark sorry about my
fftopic: rant.