Thanks, Tiger, I never considered the maintanence issue of real chrome. That make sense. I was mostly worried about knicks from rocks and such, but maybe that's not a big issue.
Nah...not an issue at all. My wheels looked brand new after 4 years except for a small bit of curb rash. And for the first 2 years of my truck's life, it was actually used as a truck and saw some hard miles, not the rare, pampered miles it gets now...
Another example of my bias getting the better of me. Sometimes we old farts see "new" ideas in action like this and our first reaction is that it's cheaper and must be inferior, when in actuallity it may be cheaper AND better.
Find the definition of before you buy!...Hmmm .....just let me remove the dagger from my head.:lol: Like Q pointed out unless you have a brochure different from the one I have in Texas I did not see where it stated that .But there is not any other " flag" that would lead you to believe other wise.
Last , In stating the obvious,I know they are plastic my point is that the sticker says Chrome wheels and something else entirely is on the vehicle. Bless her heart my mother got screwed! I was just trying to point out what a crock of s@#$ this is and the guys who expect us to buy this crap must be same Dumb $#@!##$ that found weapons of mass destruction:wacko: I know a Hub cap when I see one! At the end of the day it is still a hubcap period.Can it come seperately and you have a steelie behind it ..IT'S A HUBCAP!
Yeah, go pick up the brochure. I'm sure it says right there in bold lettering
"18" Chrome rims are plastic hupcaps" Thanks Q!
And last I would like to point out that I am not the only Dumba$$ college educated guy who thought this was crap. .Also other Texas dealers are in Dallas are no longer ordering the chrome packages because of the HEAT generated by customer complaints about their pseudo chrome wheels... I mean 600.00 Dollar hubcaps!! Chevy here is advertising chrome 20'' wheels on there Tahoes and the are real just like my dads Harley Screw and yes they are real chrome Advantage Chevy