Climbing a hill, Dynomax Super Turbo Muffler

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Well-Known Member
Mar 2, 2010
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, GA
Here's a video of me giving the 4x4 it's monthly checkup at the pond site we're digging. With good speakers or headphones, you can get a pretty good idea of what the Dynomax sounds like at low RPM.

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Hugh, with or without resonator? Removing it made a HUGE tonal difference on my Super Turbo.
Still on there. I could stand deeper, I don't want louder, though. I use this vehicle for sneaking into the woods to find unsuspecting deer. Would it be actually louder or just a deeper tone?
Both louder and deeper. You want "stealth", leave yours the way it is. :supercool:
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Thanks. I won't have to add that to the ever growing list. :haveabeer:

Jerry, I'm going to try to work on more videos as I have time. I'm hoping to have pictures of a new look soon, but I can't seem to practically give away my current wheels and tires.
Stock exhaust resonator pics:

[Broken External Image]:[Broken External Image]:
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I like the exhaust sound, it gets rid of the the wimpy sounding stock exhaust without being heard miles away. All the benefits of a better muffler with no downsides.

Seeing videos of the ST in action makes my pain at having to drive "Man's Last Stand" for the rest of the week that much worse. :cry::grin:
Thanks guys. It's the perfect muffler for what I wanted. I was checking the 4x4 indicator light again today and figured I'd video it while I was out there. Here's another. A little better with exhaust audio.

By the way, that hill is more steep than it looks. Standing at the bottom of it, it's about 6' high and probably a 35 degree grade. It's just the easiest to film and I know I can't make it with 2wd, so it's the one I use to check up on the 4x4.

<embed width="600" height="361" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowFullscreen="true" allowNetworking="all" wmode="transparent" src="" flashvars="">

Oh, yeah...

Look how great those tires work! It did rain today. $400! C'mon, I'm just trying to offset the cost of wheels, not make money. I'm giving these away!
Are you positive you can't get up that in 2wd? Having a 2wd ST, I'd like to believe that 2wd lsd can go up anything as long as a rear wheel is on the ground :grin::supercool:

KL, I'm 100% sure I can't get up that in 2wd. Again, it is more steep than it looks in the video. Need proof? I think you'll notice when I switch it to 4wd.

<embed width="600" height="361" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowFullscreen="true" allowNetworking="all" wmode="transparent" src="" flashvars="">