I know this doesn't have anything to do with an ST but I was hoping someone could help me out. A buddy of mine bought a used 98 Integra on Ebay a few years back. He's having issues with the clutch. When he tries to put it into gear it grinds and the shifter is really hard to push. When he does get it to go she wants to pop back out or just growl at him. He told me tonight that yesturday when he was stoped at a light it poped out of gear and jearked the car forward like someone rearended him. It's now to the point he can't drive it. He wanted to spend $150 on Ebay for a new clutch assy but I told him not to buy the clutch. To me it sounds like more of a linkage or cable issue not allowing it to get into, or stay into gear. What do you guys think?