shawn stonbraker 2
Well-Known Member
Ok guys, this is the third computer question I've posted. The other two are pretty well taken care of. My father-in-law sent me a virus (32.mydoom). It shut off my antivirus and then wouldn't let me open it, system restore, or system reboot. I got it taken care of by surfing the web and finding one it would let me open and use thier "free online scan" (that is how I know what it was). Anywho, I got it pretty much taken care of. Everything runs fine and the computer seems to be ok except for it won't access microsoft's website. It does the same thing as when I tried to get onto antivirus sites. I can now get onto those site, just not microsoft (who has a scan that looks for and removes the threats). I have Norton Antivirus, Spyware Beta 1, and Spybot S&D. Nothing comes up. My worry is that it could block that it doesn't show up or get recognised after infecting the computer. I have done all the steps that Norton's site says to do and removed the items even from my registry. Not that accessing Microsofts site is that important to me but I just want to be sure I've got it all. I'd hate to have skipped something and be sending it to other people. Drives me nuts that people have nothing better to do with thier time than design crap like this.