Cool solution to clean up oil disaster.

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Sep 14, 2003
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Davie, FL
We have scientists, chemists, astronauts, doctors and biologists, but it takes two farmers to think up something like this.

Please send this to everyone you know - especially news media and elected officials. We probably have enough hay in Florida and Texas to stop it from reaching our coast lines. And what about the hay, corn stalks, etc in the mid west? We can see how the oil clings to feathers. Instead of letting the birds attract the oil and then trying to clean them up - let's use hay. Or what about all the feathers from chicken slaughter houses? Why can't we use those? This is one of three or four ideas put forth by Americans that the government has said no - out of hand without even allowing it to be tried.

The government won't get it cleaned it because of the bureaucracy. The lawyers don't want it cleaned up because they can't make billions by suing everyone. So the American people need to just start doing it! All we need to do is call on the cattlement to bring their hay to the coast then get the coast guard helicoptors out there dropping it into the spill. Then the oil companies can collect it into their tankers and take it to appropriate cleaning facilitators or incinerators as these guys said. We have one of those in Leesburg. I know it's more detailed and complicated, but just sitting around talking about how bad it is and pointing fingers is just typical Washington party crap while the problem keeps growing. American ingenuity can solve this problem if government bureaucracy will let it.

(This was sent to me in an e-mail.)

Give it a minute load.

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Uhhh, is this serious?

You want to dump loads of hay or chicken feathers into the ocean, let them try and soak up the oil, then try to pick up the hay and feathers before they float out to sea? :banghead::banghead:

I don't think this was thought through.

BTW, does the dude in the overalls remind anyone else of Junior?
Is the worst case scenario you can think of if this method was to be used that it might float out to sea? Seems worth the risk to me.

Of course, they are just some dumb southern rednecks. They could never possibly think of a practical solution. Let's wait for Obama to form a team to work on this. A team full of great minds like James Cameron...:banghead:
So far this is the only thing that I saw that the oil will bind to so it can be removed. I think its low cost and eaiser to pick up from the beach and water.

KL -Yes I do. Most of the oil soaked hay will wash to shore where it can be picked up. And you can boarder all the marsh lands with hay to help stop it from covering it. The hay that will be washed out to sea will suck up the oil and can be removed.

Its much better than the stuff to make it sink to the bottom of the ocean where you may not see it but it will keep killing for many many years.

Timmy-the-Ute- A Hurricane will only spread it around more or send it farther up in the marches.

This oil needs to be removed from the water.

From the reports I've seen in Alaska there is still oil on the beach after 20 years.

Or what about all the feathers from chicken slaughter houses? Why can't we use those?

Or, why not save the money of having to butcher and pluck all those chickens, and instead of just putting the chicken feathers out there, we can put entire flocks of chickens on the ocean! Not only will they absorb the oil, but they'd also make good shark food, because everyone knows that sharks like to eat them--after all, they taste like chicken! And then, when the sharks eat all those oil-soaked chickens, the oil will need to go somewhere inside their bodies, so they will use it to produce more shark oil! And then we can catch the sharks, harvest the shark oil, use it to make more Preparation H (yes, shark oil is one of Prep-H's active ingredients), and when we use the Preparation H, this whole situation won't be such a pain in our @ss anymore!!!!

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Since BP sucks so much, I say we give each BP executive a large drinking straw and let them suck it all up.


Here's a thought--decaying organic matter in the ocean attracts wildlife. So dumping it into a mass of oil will turn the oil into a fish magnet. Oops.

Not to mention the other ramifications of adding more crap to the ocean...

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