Crazy temperature

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Greg Stuhlsatz

Well-Known Member
Sep 5, 2006
Reaction score
Wichita, KS
Yesterday we broke a record at 70 degrees. Right now it is 13 degrees. When the cold front moved in last night the house was creaking and popping like I haven't heard before. Yesterday I wore t-shirt and shorts. Today I got the heavy coat, gloves and hat on.:wacko:
I bet soemone somewhere is saying that the cold is because of Global Warming... An almost 60 degree swing in 24 hours is really impressive. Talk about a shock to your body and all your neighborhood squirrels. I told my wife about a month ago it was goign to get really cold before winter was over. I've never seen so many squirrels in my yard taking and hiding acorns before...

I say we are just in a natural warm cycle. The earth will rebalance itself eventually (Ice Age) and then everyone will be talking about Global Cooling and how humans have contributed...
70 here in Houston today. Supposed to stay that way until Sunday afternoon, then drop like a rock to 40 or so, with 30-35 overnight. We'll see!
Yeah, they're predicting possible sleet in H town on Tuesday and Wednesday. Hope not. People here don't know how to drive in that kind of stuff. Glad I took off yesterday while it was 74 and played golf. Going to be to cold next week.
Yeah, the last time it did that here was 10 years ago when my wife and I were married. Saturday was cold and started to rain, and when we left the church after our wedding that night it started getting colder. Houston wound up under a sheet of ice for a week!
I wouldn't even call it a warming cycle. Just the jet stream and El Nino. If there really is global warming (I don't think there is), I live in Pennsylvania so I'm okay with it.
Precip has frozen on the ground was frozen rain droplets that were hitting the windshield of the ST earlier (thankfully, small ones)...almost sounded like should be snow here in an hour or two
Frozen Rain Droplets= sleet. The precip falls from the clouds as snow, falls through a layer of warmer air that melts it into a super cooled rain drop, then it falls into another layer of below freezing air freezing it again--Sleet.

Freezing rain would start out it's life as rain and will freeze upon impact with the ground if it is below 32f at the surface.
Got up today and it was 0(without windchill),probably -5 now and is going to get worse.i LOVE Colorado Weather :wub:.....cold &snow!!!
38F right here in the north end of the San Francisco bay area

it is supossed to get down to 19F tonight here...Brrrrrrr:wacko:
In East Texas, it was nearly 80 yesterday. This morning it is 45 at my house, but just a few miles to the west it is about 33. The prediction is now for ice accumulation of .5" to 1" as well as temperatures falling as low as 18 by Monday morning.
I'm in Southern California. This morning leaving for work at 6am, I glanced at my overhead console to get the temperature reading (it was cold; remember, though, this is SoCal). I couldn't make out the numbers - because they weren't numbers. It said "ICE" ! then 37 degrees. I had never seen it do that before!

I know, from where you are from (fill in blank) 37 degrees is nothing!