Jesus. It's complicated. To do the cruise control buttons, you need a dremel, a hair-thin drill bit, an LED, pliers, a soldering iron, a resistor, and INCREDIBLY steady hands.
The headlight switch just takes an LED, a resistor, some creativity.
Same with the 4x4 switch.
The foglight switch (And if you have a regular Explorer, the rear defrost) takes all of the same as the cruise, minus the dremel and drill bit.
The door switches are an evil bitch, and the gauges just simply can't be done with LEDs and get uniform lighting without fiber optics/a light pipe.
Changing the color of the gauges (and HVAC) involves partially destroying your stock controls/gauges and painting.
Y'all really want write-ups? I've already done it all, so I can't take pics, but I can guide someone else through it if they want to do the write-up.