Custom Bolt

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Jacob Dryer

Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2005
Reaction score
Oxnard, CA
Does anyone have access to a large amount of wierd size bolts?

I'm looking specificly for a 12mm bolt that is approx 14 inches long (356mm) and can't seem to find one locally. I found a place I can order it but they want $23 for a single bolt which is fine since I only need one but still seems a little steep.

Can anyone else help?

Check the local home depot or lowes for their threaded rods. You may be able to cut one down and weld a head on it if need be.
If you do the welding of a nut to the threaded rod I suggest you thread the nut on most of the way leaving a gap/space. Weld from the back-side, not the side where most of the threaded rod is. Fill the entire gap ensuring you get the nut as well. Then take a grinder and grind it smooth.

If you do not want to do the weld thing, get two nuts. Thread one on about 3/4 inch, then thread the other on until the rod is flush with the top of the nut. Bring the first nut back against the 2nd nut and tighten it against the 1st nut. Then you can use it like a regular nut on a bolt.

You will have to pay the big bucks for it or use threaded rod. 12 MM, (you also need to know the thread pitch) is a common size, but that length is next to impossible to find. 12 MM is slightly smaller then 1/2". 14" is rather long for a bolt that small.

If you need me to try to locate some 14 MM threaded rod, I could turn it into a bolt for you.

It has to be 12mm, 1/2" is too big. I'll checkout homedepot/lowes and see if I can make something work, I wasn't even thinking about threaded rod. As long as I can get in 12mm it will work fine. Thanks guys.
What I did to get my bed extender bolts installed with no access to a metric tap was to recut the bolts to a standard size and then tap the hole to match. Perhaps you could buy the larger us size and then just recut it with the right die set. That's what I'd do.
7/16" would be too small. This bolt is one of the motor mounts on my motorcycle so I don't want it to be weak.

Hydro bolt here sells all sorts of weird and custom stuff....

Do you want their phone number ??

Todd Z
7/16" is .4375"

12 MM is .4724"

A difference of .034" If you go with a grade 8 bolt or B7 rod, you will have plenty of strength with easier availability.

I am not knocking your ideas, I am just trying to give you more options.

I worked 5 years in a fastener shop before moving on to a career compared to a job. I know Metric bolts are hard to find and if you do find them, getting the proper tensile strength is a challenge all its own.
