Decals ??? What are they???

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decals make sense since they are of vinyl and I agree stickers sound cheap ...

how about paper or plastic? :lol:

oh Todd!! :lol::lol::lol:
If they require water for the transfer, IMHO, they are decals. If you peel them off a sheet, stick them on dry, then they are stickers. Thanks for clearing that up SST.
Main Entry: stick·er

Pronunciation: 'sti-k&r

Function: noun

1 : one that pierces with a point

2 a : one that adheres or causes adhesion b : a slip of paper with adhesive back that can be fastened to a surface

Main Entry: de·cal

Pronunciation: 'dE-"kal, di-'kal; Canad usu 'de-k&l

Function: noun

Etymology: short for decalcomania

: a picture, design, or label made to be transferred (as to glass) from specially prepared paper
I think Tiger made a good point. Be definitive enough to show what they are and what they are not. That leaves no confusion. You will still get questions no matter how well you lay it out.

Decals could be considered a specially designed sticker?

I understand the wet method, but it's not MANDITORY to use it. I always think of decals as the ones that came with models that REQUIRED water to apply them (you know the ones that you put in the bowl of water, and slipped off the paper onto the surface). Window tint isn't a sticker or a decal, it's an adhesive film :p

Jargon of the industry maybe? :)

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