Documentation For Your Fords

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Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2002
Reaction score
Mahomet, IL
I'm a bit of a documentation junkie when it comes to my vehicles. If you are too, here are some resources for getting documentation for your Ford vehicles:

<a href="">Duplicate 2007-2014 window stickers</a>

<a href="">Build sheets (available for 1967-up vehicles)</a>

<a href="">Marti Reports</a> (available for all Ford/Lincoln/Mercury vehicles 1967-2007, and coming soon for 2008-2010.

I got the Deluxe Build Sheet for my '08 Warriors In Pink Mustang. It's pretty cool. It breaks down the VIN codes, tells the production date, location, production numbers, etc., and is singed by Elena Ford.
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I just had a Marti report done on my Mustang last week- 1 of 174 with particular paint and trim code out of 40,000+ built. also had a build sheet done for it too years ago. Cool stuff to have.
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