Does my front end look low enough?

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Q do you ever have anything positive to say or do you just enjoy putting other people down in your free time?
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Larry's wheels were purchased from Ron Brezina, an original member here. If you don't know who Ron is, click on the "Memorial" link on the left margin.
I must suck having to go through life with someone peeing in your Cheerios every morning. Q, really man, you need to find that guy and tell him to stop.
Dang "Q", do you feel better now? I don't understand why you just keep on going on with the comments, he asked for an opinion on whether his front end looked low enough or not, not criticism about his whole truck. It's a work in progress and he has many hours invested in the modifications he wants to do to "his" ST. Just because you "can't understand what he is trying to accomplish", doesn't give you the right to degrade what he is doing with "his" ST.

You ever heard the old saying about "Not throwing rocks in a glass house"?...

First of all, purple don't match grey. I personally think Larry is a great guy, I'm sure he has his heart in it. I would actually buy me a wood kit and put it in there. Anyone done that yet? It's, I mean I look at his truck and really, let's be honest, do you want an honest opinion? That truck just doesn't do it for me! Now I have great taste mind you, but I like my truck better. I'm not going to put a lot of money and effort into it, because it will be gone soon. It put functional mods into it so I can tow better. I don't need no fancy ugly purple dash, or toggle switches stolen directly from the 1960's Star Trek Enterprise production set. I don't need a fancy radidio. I need power, and I got it. I don't need a full-sized, because it's just too big for my garage, though I may end up getting a bigger one for my next purchase. Now lemee tell ya something, there are ppl out there, the average driver, taking a look at thing and shaking their heads. Do you want that opinion?

Look at you, fussing over that thing! What are you trying to accomplish? It would make NO difference whether you lower it 1 inch, two inches. I mean look at it! It ain't gonna look any better! You've got that grey cladding that's clashing. The rims and tires aren't quite right (maybe you need white lettering) the front brush guard and bug guard are clashing. You don't put a brush guard on a lowered truck.

You don't like his ST, we can all see that, but to keep stirring the pot is childish, leave it be.

Somebody may just come along and tell you just how they feel about your ST, about the poser "FX4" decals, the big dent in your tailgate, how your ST rear mudflaps clash with the ford logo, and how unbalanced it appears without mudflaps on the front to match the rear, or how out of place and whimpy the rear of your truck looks with the single gibson exhaust tip coming out the back, heck, they might even loud you out about the homemade bicycle rack bar on your roof rails..... but almost everybody on this site is a lot more courteous than that and will probably never ever mention those things.
I may suck, but at least my trucks don''s a classic and bothe feature heavy body mods, so I guess that puts me in the clear in the mind of The Q. I can rest easy now.
Apparently Q, you've never seen Larry's trac in person. It's by FAR the coolest trac I've ever seen. The color of purple that he uses for the interior isn't a traditional "purple", it's more of a pearlesque color that changes depending on the light, and it looks great. I can't think of a better color to use than the one he used. Wood grain would pretty much look ignorant with the effect he's going for. It looks modern AND classy, which can't be said for many vehicles these days. He's managed to take the relatively bland interior of a standard sport trac and turned it into something spectacular. It's not just me that likes it either, everyone who's seen his trac has given it rave reviews. Up until you, Q, I hadn't ever heard a single bad thing about it.

YOUR goal may be to have a "practical" truck. Your idea and his idea, or even my idea of practical are probably three different things.

Enough, already! Geez!:wacko:

I think it's pretty much been established that the majority opinion of Larry's ST is a favorable one. Q, you happen to not agree with that opinion, and don't care for how Larry's modded his truck. That's OK, you're perfectly entitled to that opinion. Some like to modify theirs, making it more of a street rod, others go for the 4X4, off-road mod approach. And their are some in between, and some that prefer a more utilitarian approach to their trucks. That's what makes this site great. Many styles, tastes, and points of view on the Sport Trac.

So now how about ceasing to...

[Broken External Image]:
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Q, what's so different/great about your trac, other than the "faux" FX4 sticker and mini chrome exhaust tip? Besides those two things, it looks like every other trac I've seen around.

I'm not sure I'd go around calling someone else's trac ugly whenever you haven't even taken the chance to DO anything to yours.

I bet you'd know what "rave reviews" means if the picture of your trac didn't put people to sleep with boredom. ;)

This was a free country last time I checked Q. There's nobody who can tell me what to spend my money on. I don't consider the money I spent on the blower a "waste". In fact, it was quite fun while it lasted. I have driven performance cars nearly my entire life. The sport trac lasted me over 3 years and never gave me a bit of real trouble. I think that's a pretty "sensible" and "useful" vehicle. I don't feel that I got the wrong vehicle at the time either. Apparently, you know what's best for us, so I will be sure to ask you what I should get before I go to buy my next vehicle. However, for now, I'm stuck with the GTO, which I am pretty sure you don't approve of either. ;)

There is an aftermarket for people who want their truck/car to look different than everyone elses. I guess you can't quite grasp that fact. I always try not to resort to personal attacks, since it really doesn't accomplish anything, but that last reply of yours was complete nonsense. I mean that in the most literal sense of the word. About the only point delivered is that you don't have any idea what the hell you're talking about.

I am done wasting my time, replying to your purely ignorant posts. "Ignorant" seems to fit you perfectly based on the stuff you've said on this thread. Thank god that ignorance isn't contagious!

Ya know, I'd love to have both yours and Larry's trac available to me for a day. They can both sit side by side, and have people look at 'em...just to see which one people are more interested in. *I* know the answer, as do many others on this forum, but maybe it would wake you up a little bit.

Hi All, I don't often post ( I think this is actually my first one! ) but I often read what different members have to say about their own and other member's rides. When I stumbled onto this thread, and read the content, I just couldn't continue to remain silent.

First of all, Larry, your truck is awesome! To answer your question, it is a personal choice, and will depend on what you want your truck to look like. There have been several good suggestions, and a few bad ones, listed here. From the looks of your previous projects, you will make the a good decision - go with it.

On a little deeper note, you can tell a lot about people by what they do to and with thier vehicles. There are a lot of really nice trucks owned by many of you who have posted to this thread, and some - well, not.

WFoy - WOW!

Johnny_O - excellent!

And Q - well, sorry man, NO! I mean I read all of your posts to this thread, and looked at the photos of your truck, and, well, I feel sorry for you. You just don't get it. A vehicle is a perfect outlet to express yourself. What you do with and to your truck sais how you feel about yourself and your attitude. Q, from your over-stated opinions, and your off - center comments, you have, probably albeit accidentally, spoken volumes about yourself. You see, you keep telling others on this thread that they bought the wrong truck, when in fact, it is actually you who has made that error.

An ST isn't a truck, or a car, it's a statement! It sais you want all the best of both worlds, and your not afraid to go get it. It's a unique vehicle, and is designed for a specific group of individuals. Let's face it, you wouldn't see Arnold Schwarzenegger hop out of his Hummer and climb into a Geo Tracker would you? Or Jesse James crawl off of one of his bikes and straddle a Vespa scooter?

Face it Q, ST's just aren't for you. You say you want your truck to be practical, and you don't want to have to put much money into it. Here's my suggestion, sell your ST to someone who would - hopefully first of all take off those rediculous 'FX4' placards - and return it to it's original self. Then they could put their own personal touch on it. As for your next ride, Q may I suggest a white, ranger, longbed, 4x4, 4-cyl, 5-speed, with tan vinyl seats, no carpeting and an AM radio. It's all you would ever want in a truck. It'll match you perfectly - no personality!

Now, it's true, I don't drive an ST. They aren't 'practical' for me, but I know it. I don't trash talk people who do! I drive a Bronco II. It's tough, 4x4, enough room for what I need to carry, and for over 300K, has been very dependable. Oh yeah, whenever I get the urge to flex a little extra muscle, I climb into the F-350 Super cab Dually Diesel, and commit acts of road rage on white ranger pickups. Any questions?


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Well said Garrett!

Q, Mods are all about "originality of the Owner" and "what they want and their preferences, " But the question was "Does my front end look low enough?" Nobody ask, "Do you like the looks of my Trac" You used this thread to do nothing more than trash Larry and his trac and his projects. So your opinion had nothing to do at all to help or answer his question. Usually if no opinion, I simply will not post.

As a few have already stated, they may not care for this or that on a members trac but they can appreciate the effort, time and idea of someone elses "originality and preferences" BTW, nice decal. if only...

Now, I think I'll ignore ya from this point forward, you seem to feed off the attention. Good luck in life. And before ya post any more derrogatory remarks about Larry or Jade, "meet the man and know his story"

Pardon me Ape man while I use your line....

Nuff said.
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As for my dad commenting, that was his choice He's been a member for a while, and he does read these posts. I didn't go whine to him. But it's nice to know that him and many others here have my back.

As for my mom, you really don't want to hear what she's got to say, and it would be best to leave her out of this. Oh, and both of them drove for both Schneider, and Prime, and made the top 20 in both companies for safety records so don't have to flinch like a little coward when any F-350's pass you.

As for your Subaru, it's nice, but nothing special. Just not my thing, and what you did with it is really none of my business. I'm more into the WRX STi, which my friends have. As many here have stated, I was looking for opinions, not your rude comments that have erupted into this very comical series of posts. As my dad (yes, my dad) indicated above, each post you entered made you look even more ignorant than the last. You should've just stopped while you were a dick. Now, you're merely a foolish one.

Let me answer a few of your unasked questions and nasty remarks since I have decided to post on this particular thread.

-The interior. I wanted someting unique that set it apart. I've never been able to find the right shade of Island blue to do my interior in. I used Ford's cayman color, but it was too green, and I like the color shifting properties of the paint.

-The grey claddings. They're there because I decided the money at the time would be better spent taking the trip to Dallas 4 to meet many of these fine people who have defended me here. I didn't go because of the '07 Trac, I went to meet the '01 to '04's and their owners. Many who have defended me here. And by the way, I noticed you didn't even show up. And if you would've stopped spreading your ignorance long enough, you would've noticed that in that side picture the claddings are gone since I'm waiting on a set of running boards to be shipped in.

-The drop kit. I felt that the drop would help safety wise with body roll and handling. It did. In cases of snow and rain, I know that my chances of rolling have been decreased. It can still happen, but I have a little more room for play. I also thought that the ST looked a little more akward with the 5 inch gap between the wheel and the huge wheelwell. I wanted more of a street appearance like what Jeff C has. I think I've achieved that. It's also given me the great street handling cornering and maneuverability that I was looking for. And no, I don't drive it like a sports car. It's not one. But after owning a 1992 Ranger, and driving my parent's F-350, and many of the Air Force's differant fleet trucks from Rangers to Silverados and everything inbetween, the ST just doesn't handle the way I think it should. I fixed that. And looking at it with a 3 inch drop, it's still as tall as most other midsize pickups out there.

You go for practicality, in a way, I do too.

-The hoodscoop. The hoodscoop is temporarily there. I want a functional shaker hood, but I can't afford one yet, since I'm in the Air Force, and they don't pay me near enough to defend the constitutional rights like freedom of speech that morons like you hold so dear. You're welcome by the way. Iraq was quite pleasant in 130 degree summer. Someday, I was even considering making the current one functional. I'm currently working on the design for air routing.

So, just because Jade isn't quite complete, that doesn't mean she won't be soon. I'm just doing it one piece at a time at my own pace.

And alot of people here seem to see the wrenchtime and effort put in, because I did walk away from Dallas with "Best of Show". And I went up against stunning beutiful ST's like Heather in KC, GM, Todd C, Paul Brezina's "Tweety Twac" , EricP and Spaceman Spiff just to name a few. All of which also have a fraction of the miles that I've got on mine. I had the second h
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Q, You talk about all the mods you did to your ST....Let's see...

stiffer, high-performance off-road shocks, which I have. Combined with my 4:10 gearing, I've set it apart from the stock 4x4. Who knows, maybe I'll put some skid plates on it...

... and we all can see that they are like waaay cool in your mind, and maybe there's a lot of people out there who agree, heck, I even like beefing up a 4x4 if that's what your into. But then you talk trash about the ones Larry did to his ST, let's see, it was...

"Take it to a car show"...bwaaaahahahahahaaaaa..Good one. Why would anyone take a truck to a car show? I buy my truck for practical reasons, not to destroy it's usefulness by putting a girly dress on it. If you want t trick-out car, you bought the wrong vehicle. That's what toyotas and nissans were for.

You know, you are obviously very proud of the Subaru you used to have. Where do they fit in compared to Fords, Chevy's Dodge's, Nissan's and Toyota's? I guess you DO understand that it's a PERSONAL thing. You just didn't have the mentality to realize that fact for yourself. Maybe you should trade back for your Subaru, and join a website for those ( wanna-be four wheel drive ) vehicles. We'd all enjoy the white space where your posts here would no longer be ---

Your parents obviously taught you no manners; ie.. "if you can't say something good; don't say anything at all! "

Now I'm not going to continue this conversation, I have more constructive things to do today. You go ahead and put in the last word, we all know you will, because, well, as anyone who has ever turned their CB radio to channel 19 knows, you just can't shut some truckers up, and you are obviously one of THOSE truckers.

Garrett - Out

I dare you to say that to any LRS airman who is imbedded with the Army convoys getting shot up by insurgents every day, or to the para rescuemen who pull your wounded ***** out. The Air Force does a lot more these days than just provide air support. And after you said that, I know there's a hell of a lot more Marines, Soldiers, Sailors, and Airmen who are alot more honorable than you.

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