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for once I FULLY agree with you Nelson.(Larry too) It is a shame that we still have buttholes around that don't respect ALL branches of the service. I know plenty of "Zoomie. Lackland lasers" that have ended up in a sad situation because they were protecting our country. I did my 20 as an enlisted bomb stacker... Been to the desert, done my part there too AND I AM DAMN PROUD OF IT!

Q: I if you think you are better than.............................KMA

Larry: your stuff looks good!
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Oh my god! I can't even freakin' believe for one second that you were a Marine Q. No Marine would blatantly disrespect someone like that, not someone who has honorably served this country. Sure, as a Former Marine, I've given people in other branches a little ribbing every now and then, but it's all in good fun and they know that. I am completely baffled by this statement:

"Semper Fidelis. From an Ex-Jarhead who served your country much more honorably than any flyboy.

Q out."

Do you even know what Semper Fidelis MEANS?!?

You should absolutely be hanging your head in shame for that remark. I know you're not, but no *REAL* Marine would say something that. I don't see where you'd even get off THINKING something as STUPID as that! We're all on the same team here, working toward the same goal, and ANYONE who serves this country is a hero, no matter WHAT branch they're in.

Thank god that the Corps doesn't turn out many like you. Very rarely am I ashamed to acknowledge that someone is a fellow Marine, a brother of mine, but this is one of those times.

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Each service has it's own role, as established by Congress. The Air Force, in general, provides "top cover" for the ground troops. This prevents the enemy from bombing the crap out of our Navy, Marine and Army brothers. In addition, we have Forward Air Controllers and Special Operations troops which perform ground duties. These troops work side-by-side with Navy, Marines, and Army personnel.

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I worked with these Special Operations troops at Hurlburt Field on 9/11. Within weeks of that attack our Base was pretty much a "ghost town". Much of the base departed to places we had never heard of before -- places like Kandahar and Tikrit. Fortunately, all of the folks in my unit came back, but many from Hurlburt Field did not, and some who did had their lives changed forever by the scars of War.

I remember one Airman from our unit at Hurlburt that came back with a Purple Heart, Air Medal and Aerial Achievement medal. I will always remember that Commanders call, because I never saw one person get three medals in one day before or since. While there, I also had the honor of attending MSgt Tim Wilkinson's retirement ceremony. If you don't know his name, he is one of the pararescues that was involved in the rescue attempt in Mogadishu, which inspired the movie "Black Hawk Down". I provided a link to the story below, if you are unfamiliar with it.

In my current unit, which provides Communications Support to the AWACS aircraft, we had one Airman receive the Purple Heart. He originally went to Iraq as a Communications troop. While there, it was discovered by one of the on-site Army Commanders that he could speak Arabic. The Commander reassigned him as his translator. As a result, he began traveling in more dangerous territory. His vehicle was destroyed by a roadside bomb. His three companions died in the blast, and his injuries were so substantial that he was medically retired at the age of 22. I had the honor of shaking his hand one day after he returned to work, just prior to his retirement.

As for me, I have done nothing heroic or dangerous. I've simply managed tens of millions of Communications projects at seven different bases. Many were just to install phone cables to new buildings, but others were to install communications upgrades to the Command Center in Cheyenne Mountain, build a new Command Post at Hurlburt Field, build an Alternate Command Post at Tinker, upgrade the Command Post and Air Traffic Control Tower at Incirlik Air Base, Turkey, provide a $16.5 million upgrade to the HF Global Radio system at Lajes Field , Azores, and build an $8 Million computer network feeding over 120 buildings at Kunsan Air Base, Korea.

In my 18 year career, I haven't had the excitement my Army and Navy grandfathers had in WWII, my Air Force uncles had in the Korean War, or my Navy dad had in The Cuban Missile Crisis and Vietnam, but I did get a chance to live in a tent for several months in Turkey and visit the DMZ in Korea. I am scheduled to go again in 5 or 6 months to places unknown. Along the way, I learned some valuable lessons about people around the World, I have some stories to tell my daughter and hopefully grandkids. I also got a couple of medals.

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Q, your ignorance never ceases to amaze me. There's NO WAY you're a Marine if you don't even know what the motto means. Semper Fidelis...always faithful, Faithful to your GOD, your COUNTRY and your CORPS.

For 230 years, brave men and women have been placed in harm's way, shed their blood and died, always trying to remain faithful to the Corps and their Country. Then you come in here and use it in your own silly way. No Marine would use our motto for such trivial purposes, like you have. That is dishonoring the memory of every Marine who came before you, every Marine since and every future Marine who will be charged with keeping this country free.

If you DID go to boot camp, and EARN THE TITLE of Marine, you would KNOW that the motto was far too important to be used for your own personal gain, or to further some silly argument that you started.

My guess is that you just have a very active imagination, and you dreamed up that you could be a Marine online and nobody would know any difference. Well, you've been "outed", no Marine would act like you have been acting throughout this post. All throughout my years in the Corps, I was taught RESPECT for my fellow servicemen/women and RESPECT for military history and tradition (including, but NOT limited to, USMC history and tradition). That's one thing you seem to be lacking...respect. No Marine has EVER come out of boot camp without SOME LEVEL of respect for God, Country, Corps and his fellow services.

I do think that USMC Boot Camp would be really good for you, and would teach you to respect others, even if you don't agree with them, it would certainly teach you respect for military tradition, and you could FINALLY grasp the concept of "Semper Fidelis". Right now, you have NO idea.

After you graduate from MCRD or PI, come back and post with your newfound respect, when you can finally call yourself "Marine". Until then, I'd really appreciate it if you didn't make MY Marine Corps look bad by pretending to be a Marine.

Baron "out".

Like I said, come back and talk to me after you're through with boot camp, with a brand new attitude. Until then, don't speak to me, or claim to be something you're not. Since you're not a Marine, you wouldn't understand the motto, the traditions or what it means to EARN the title anyway. In your very first thread, you said "Ex-Jarhead"...I mean c'mon, nobody uses that to describe themselves, unless they were never a Marine to begin with. Any good Marine knows that once you're a Marine, you're always a Marine, so the word "Ex" is never used. The only term that denotes an active service Marine from a non-active service Marine is the word "Former" in "Former Marine", or "Former Active-Duty Marine" if one so desires.

Also, you might want to invest in spell check, because "vitrolic" isn't a word. ;) It's possible that you meant vitriolic, which would describe my last message concerning you perfectly. I'm not sure if that was a spelling error or just plain stupidity and ignorance, like you've exhibited throughout this entire thread.

I will not read, or reply to your nonsense again. I do have better things to do, and it's sufficiently clear that you never were a Marine anyway, or you would have had a bit of respect for other branches of the service and a considerably better grasp of Marine Corps Traditions and History (without having to look it up).

By the way, if you want to try to throw links around, attempting to make me look like I don't know what I'm talking about, you might want to read this...

Wow, that was all very entertaining.

It would seem to me that Q is a man more to be pitied than reviled. What a sad sick SOB. I make no claim to having military service but my father, now deceased, was an RSM in the Queens Own having served in WW2 and Korea. I was raised in a proud military tradition. I learned respect for my fellow man, my peers and foremost for myself. These lessons carried me all through my life and my career as a Police Officer. I feel a deep sense of respect for those men and women who have served in military service and make no defference as to which branch or for that matter which country. I offer you my friendship, my aprreciation and my hand. Thank you.

Which mistake? The only mistake I see here is everyone putting up with your assinine comments instead of just ignoring you making an ass out of yourself. This has just spiraled into utter ********. Just let it go already.

Rich Stern, if you're reading this crap please just go ahead and delete it already.
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Q so eloquently stated:

It's obvious I'm dealing with *******

I know I haven't been around for a while, but wait, let me check real quick:


<li>Please treat all contributors with respect.

<li>Abusive language will not be tolerated.

<li>We are all best served by an honest exchange of information and ideas. Consider your input in this light before posting.


Yup, rules haven't changed. Since Larry has started up a second BS free thread, I second the motion to deep six this one.
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Wow...nice thread. I said this before and I will say it again:

What would it be like if we treated each one of these virtual threads of discussion like a bunch of real, physical rooms, say in a big convention center? On each door to a room is posted the topic being discussed inside that room. Do you think people would act differently in that real, physical world situation? Do you think some would read the topic on the door, then go in and act just like they do here?

I for one do NOT think they would act the same as they do here. I think many people would read the topic and never even go in the door, and some would go in and listen, and those fewer that then opted to speak would do so politely.

And, I for one think everyone SHOULD act that way here too.

It's kinda like road rage, or flipping people off in the car. There is something about that seperation and that machine between you and the other person that makes it impersonal, and tends to bring out a different behavior in people.

There's no real need for it, IMHO


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