My '07 v8 limited has the dual climate control and recently started acting up. One side runs hotter air than the other, once I turn it off and back on its seems fine. Anybody got any info on this problem?:angry:
Sounds like a blend door sticking... when its malfunctioning, tap on the plastic plenum assy under the dash and see if it changes. May also be a door actuator motor.. Replacing the Plenum is a BI***. I did it on my 01. Good luck.
My '88 bird had climate control. When it acted up. I shut off the ingnition and on restart, all was well. Had to replace the master control unit. $485 back in 1990.
99% of the time on a system that has dual climate control where one side blows warmer than the other with the ac on it's a low refrigerant charge that causes it.
My 2007 ST just started the same problem. It's winter now so heat is needed. The drivers side is perfect. The passenger side is ALL COLD air. Did you get your's fixed?
Does this truck have 2 blend doors? One on each side?
All the videos show only one and it's painful to replace.
Thanks for any and all help. My passengers are starting to complain!