DUMB ***

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Ben Poche

Well-Known Member
Oct 11, 2004
Reaction score
st. rose, LA
This is why if you own a gun or two you need to teach your kid/kids it is not a TOY

I :eek: every time i watch it
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NO you need to keep it locked up in a safe or a case with a trigger lock..... And the keys with you at all times...

Thats the law here in NY.....

Does that kid think that his parents will not see this video eventually.... Unless their as stupid as he is.....

A) Education - know what to do and what NOT to do

B) Keep them locked up

Irresponsible individuals are the problem. Guns are merely one of the many ways these people are dangerous to themselves and to others.
bpoche, pick a more posting friendly title next time.

Kid broke all four major gun handling rules:

- Treat all guns as loaded

- Keep your finger off the trigger until you are ready to shoot

- Never point a gun at something you aren't willing to destroy

- Know what's behind your target

Hopefully, he scared himself enough to think about it a little bit.
Even if it was faked, that kid is old enough to know its not a toy..Idiots like him make gun owners look bad to the gun haters..

The audio does seem fake; that doesn't sound like a pistol to me. Although, I don't doubt that the gun went off, considering the reactions of both the kid and the camera guy.

Maybe now the kid realizes that guns are not toys.

Hopefully his parents get punished somehow, as well as the kid.
I have nothing against guns, I choose not to own any because I have kids. Even a smart kid who knows better and is taught better can do something foolish on occasion. Fortunately that dumb kid's "oops" wasn't fatal. That makes me mad. Dumb kid.:angry::angry:
Similar thing happened to on a friend's deck several weeks back. We both have Glock .40 cal pistols. I've got the 23 and he's got the 22. He was oiling up my gun, which was unloaded. He set it down and shortly thereafter he picked up his, thinking it was mine, and while handling it, pulled the trigger. Scared the living daylights outta both of us, ESPECIALLY him, as he dang near shot one of his dogs. Put a nice hole in the redwood railing of his deck, too... I promptly gave him the '******* Move Of Your Life' award!
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I kept guns for years and could go on forever with great stories. Still I don't have even 1 horror story. The reason is simple. I unloaded each whenever they were not used and kept the ammo far from the guns locked away. Too I made sure that there was never a bullet in the chamber. Locks a must!! :cool: These safeties = No casualties!
Similar thing happened to on a friend's deck several weeks back. We both have Glock .40 cal pistols. I've got the 23 and he's got the 22. He was oiling up my gun, which was unloaded. He set it down and shortly thereafter he picked up his, and thinking it was mine, and while handling it, pulled the trigger. Scared the living daylights outta both of us, ESPECIALLY him, as he dang near shot one of his dogs. Put a nice hole in the redwood railing of his deck, too... I promptly gave him the '******* Move Of Your Life' award!

Play now, work later!

There, but by the grace of God, went next year's Dilbert Award Winner.:rolleyes:
WWashing - Did you mean the Darwin Award winner?

That's why they tell you to always treat every gun as if it were loaded. All it takes is one perfectly simple mistake such as picking up the wrong one, and you have a potentially deadly situation. Most AD's are not from accidentally hitting the trigger, but mistakenly thinking the gun was unloaded and pulling it. If for some reason you DO need to pull the trigger, you check (both visually and physically... put your finger in and make sure there's no round in there), re-check, then check again. And if there's someone else around, you have them do the same. Even then, as soon as it comes out of your hands, it might as well be loaded until you go through the whole checking process again.

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