E85 Price?

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Jan 31, 2006
Reaction score
, GA
I am curious what the price of E85 is around the country now. There are no stations within 2 hours of my house but I'm interested in the cost break down with the slight decrease in mpg. Hopefully, we will get some stations soon so I'll at least have the option.
Better mpg?? My understanding is that you may lose 10-15% mpg but gain about 5 hp. Either way, its not an option for me currently since the only two stations in Georgia dishing it up are on military bases.
STench you are correct. Like I said it was what I had "heard" Here is some info from a website I found.


Better for the environment (adds no net CO2 to the atmosphere)

Already proven to lower toxins in the air



New jobs for farmers

Increases gasoline’s lubricity

Enhances the nation's economy and energy independence

Takes only six months to harvest a substantial crop of fuel


Not supported by all cars

Burns faster than gasoline (Approximately 15% fewer miles on a full tank)

Thanks for the info fmarano! Sounds like win/win for the U.S. Even if the total costs were equal to, or even slightly more, than gasoline, I would like to know my fuel dollar is not being converted to riyals.
There was a big story on Dateline about ethanol...Brazil has already done it. They are completely self sufficient for their fuel needs. They make theirs out of sugar cane. The experts on Dateline said "big oil" is the only thing keeping it from REALLY getting kicked off here, but it's still coming...soon! 85 to 90 percent of vehicles sold in Brazil run on ethanol. You can even buy 100% ethanol in Brazil...they'd never sell that here 'cuz it's basically moonshine. They said if we set up refineries next to places like orange juice factories (ethanol can be made from orange peels and waste too) We would have such a surplus we'd be paying about 70 cents a gallon! They went on to say if we, as a country, pursued the ethanol technologies more aggressively we could be independant of foreign oil in FIVE years! The car companies are already doing it, it's just that MOST of the flex fuel vehicles are sold in other countries. It doesn't even cost the auto makers any more to make flex engines. I think a few vaves or gaskets are different because ethanol burns hotter and faster (a little less MPG) But on Dateline they said it actually increases your horsepower a little.Like I said it's pretty much just moonshine and the "Duke boys" used to burn "shine" in the General Lee right?!...Yeeeeehaaaaaaw!:lol:

Chemical additives can make Ethanol undrinkable to prevent it's use as a beverage. I would imagine that they will have to add various detergent additives to keep the injectors clean etc.

The is a Bio-Engineer and Billionaire who has been pushing for the US to convert to Ethanol based fuels. He said Brazil did it in about 5 years and we can too. Brazil uses sugarcane to make their ethanol. The US is primarily using corn, but he indicated that we could produce more ethanol and faster if we based our production on prairie grasses.

He said if we do that and make an all out effort the US can eliminate the need for all imported oil for fuel in 5 years. Then instead of worrying about the price per barrel, we will be looking at the price per bushel. :D

We have 4 stations in my area that sell e-85. 2 of them are selling it around 2.65 and the other 2 are around 2.35. the funny thing is of the 2.65 stations is right across the street from the station selling it for 2.35. Guess which one I fill up at. Gas is around 2.87. I've been getting 12 mpg with e-85 in my 2005. If Dateline said that it burns hotter I think they got their facts wrong as it definately burns cooler.

I heard this year Indy racing league is going to run 15% ethonal/85%methonal, next year I heard they will be 100% ethonal.