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Yeah, I have. But make sure your ST can run e85

Performance wise, I didnt really see any change.

Gas mileage dropped a little bit for me, it went from about 17/18 to 14. It was worth it then. I filled up in the summer when the difference in the gas price and e85 was about 2-2.5 dollars. I just did this once and didnt really see a big amount saved, if any, so I went back to regular gas.

Right now, with the price difference being really small, you wont save anything. So I dont think you should fill up. There are other people that got different results and will tell you about them when they get a chance.
When I tried E85, I went from about 420 miles per tank to just under 300 miles per tank. Performance wise. I didn't notice any change.

Not near enough cost difference to make up the MPG's lost for me to do it again.
When I tried E85, I went from about 420 miles per tank to just under 300 miles per tank. Performance wise. I didn't notice any change.

Not near enough cost difference to make up the MPG's lost for me to do it again.
I ran E85 quite a bit in the past, especially last summer when the price of fuel was so high.

I nevered noticed any difference in performance from unleaded to E85.

However, MPG does go down of course, and like George, went from about 17/18 to 13/14 mpg. Because of this I figured to only use E85 when it cost .50 cents, or more, less than regular unleaded.
None of the Sport Tracs have been built to utilize the higher octane of E85 so you will not notice any increase in power.

Cost to fill obviously depends on location, if you're located in the midwest you'll see lower E85 prices, although right now with regular gas being relatively low to what it was 6 months ago, you're not going to save money in the end.
I used E85 in my Explorer we had. I only tried it once. I could normally go from Dallas to Shreveport on less than half a tank in that Explorer, but the one time I tried E85, I had to fill up before I got to Shreveport.
I only run e85 in my trac. You can get a little better performance if you also use an xcal2 and the right tunes. Mr. Torrie at Unleashed tuning does a great job.

If you just want to save money, or gain a lot of performance than there are better (and cheaper) ways. If you have other reasons, like being greener or whatever, than you should try it. Just remember if you retune your trac to only use e85, than you'll may need a different tune in the winter months as the fuel is actually e70 in most places. Also, as GeorgeT said, you need a FFV trac; '04 & '05 I think.