Not mad at all--but there are a number of things you have factually incorrect. The primary reason is that you're confusing Easter (the religious holiday) with Easter (the cultural event). Easter, like Christmas, St. Valentine's Day, St. Patrick's Day, etc., has effectively split into two different entities--one which is assoiciated with religious beliefs and customs, and another which is the non-religious cultural traditions which have grown to accompany the religious holiday.
Yes, Constantine linked Easter (the religious holiday) with facets of a number of pagan celebrations, to help make the religious holiday more acceptable to the populus. And many aspects of those pagan celebrations persist today as part of Easter (the cultural event). However, that in no way makes Easter (the Christian religious holiday) a pagan celebration.
Regarding the Easter Bunny, that tradition in the US only dates back to roughly the Civil War. While in some form, it may be possible to trace it back to ancient Saxon origins, in all actuality it has developed here into effectively its own unique symbol, in much the same way that many of the U.S. St. Patrick's Day traditions have no basis at all in anything from Ireland. Things like egg hunts, candy, plastic eggs, etc., are all new, having nothing to do with Constantine.
Like I said, no hate. But it's not appropriate to say that Easter (the religious holiday) is pagan in origin, just because most aspects of Easter (the cultural event) have some characteristics traceable to that source.
And this is coming from a confirmed Agnostic. :banana: I may not share Christian beliefs, but I fully support and respect the beliefs of those who do...