Electrical system gremlins

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Ken Crockett

Apr 9, 2004
Reaction score
Chandler, AZ
When I started my '04 ST this morning to go to work, I noticed that it automatically reset the tripmeter to 0.0 (no, I didn't accidently bump it. I have it synched with the odomoter). I've also had other issues when starting the ST lately. No problems getting it started, but sometimes the speedometer and tachometer will bounce against the 0 peg for several seconds. Stepping on the throttle for a couple seconds usually gets it to start acting normal. It doesn't feel like its starving for gas or going to stall, just gremlins for a few seconds.

The battery is OE (49+ months). That's a pretty good lifetime for this AZ heat, but as I haven't had any problems getting the engine to turn over, I'm not sure the battery is dying. Any thoughts?

What you describe is a common fault of a voltage issue.

Often it is the battery with a partial short. And since yours is at 49 months old, no harm in simply replacing it. I would also have the alternator checked but it must be done so in the same manner that you see the issue.

By that, it will have to sit over night, open the hood, hook up the gauge to read voltage to the battery, start the vehicle and watch the gauge.

I still suspect that once the battery is replaced the problem will be solved.
I've seen this problem on other vehicles. It was traced to low voltage of the battery until it was recharged to normal voltage after start up.