European Meet in Poland (Back on)

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For some reason, since the site changed ownership, it has taken a turn...


Yes it has, But we (George Paul and I ) stand our ground when ridiculed or talked down to...

There are a bunch of people that think we do not deserve the site, are using it as a business, doing the wrong thing, Their jealous, Mad they did not get the site, Don't want us here, Hate us for being from NY, Being from the East coast, You can see it in the ETC.

They are the ones tat came out of the wood work when the site changed hands...

It almost seems like people just want to run a muck and have no one around to control things..


I am Outa here, I Just will not post any thing any more, and simply run the site from behind the scenes...

Let everything go back to the way it "was" if that was such a good thing..

Todd Z
In case some of you are wondering who was the

famous man that said..."Nip it....Nip it in the bud!!"

It was.......

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I am Outa here, I Just will not post any thing any more, and simply run the site from behind the scenes...

Let everything go back to the way it "was" if that was such a good thing..

Todd, I can see you are pissed off, but at the same time I am a "newbie" here and I've seen numerous posts by You with helping other members. I don't think "pulling the plug" sort of speak and pulling away from the site and not continuing posting here is the best thing for this site. Your input on responses to members problems is invaluable and greatly appreaciated.

The majority of the members here respect the New Ownership of the site, looks like it's just a few that feel different. IMO they should just leave if they feel soo disgrunted with the site.

Like Rich guys own this site and you shouldn't have to put up with people putting down yourselves or the site. I suppose there are those who didn't take the time to read the Rules of the site, how to treat other members. If they can't comply to those rules, then they don't deserve to be here.
I wonder if this members Sport Trac is for rent...

He used it to haul the horse S@#T away, maybe he can haul all of the Bull S@#t away that has been on the site lately???:unsure::unsure:

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Paul H
It is a sad day when Todd cashes in. I think it was the best thing that ever happened when you guys took over the site. Please do not let the few get to you like that. I understand you really take the site personally but please don't give up.
I think it was the best thing that ever happened when you guys took over the site.

I agree...a lot of things have been updated here that had been out of date for a long time. There is some new life breathed into this place with the changes that have been implemented. I posted a comment like this a few weeks ago. I really feel misunderstood around here lately.

If anyone finds themselves in Poland, and they want a helping hand from me, my email address is current. Feel free to contact me. As far as the meet, the offer is withdrawn. I am causing too many waves with this offer, and I've become seasick.

Sorry I tried to be helpful. It won't happen again.

I take offence that I am willing to offer anybody a place to camp out for the nght the same as what you offered. on many occasions, I have evtended the initation to Rodger and Georgia that if they make a trip around the USA, they could have a free night here in our little home.

I do not think you are trying to take people away from the LAP meet.

Theresa and I were possibly planning a trip to Europe this fall. We were thinking of going to Austria, Switzerland, and Germany. If we were going to Poland, though I have no desire to isit Poland, I would be contacting you.

I thought it sounded kind of nutty that a non-owner would want to sponsor a meet, especially a meet where members could not bring their vehicles or even win prizes. It would make more sense if you were trying to put together a Polonez meet.

How about just sending every member a paczki next month?
Todd, don't let the few hurt the many. We need your posts and your help. You all are doing a great job with the site. You all have worked hard with Rich when he had the site and it is good that you all bought this site. their are ones that can freely donate to this site, but there are those that can not donate because of money being tite for them. Maybe it is time to ban those that cause all the problems. Maybe you sould also ban topics that cause big problems, such as politics. It is great to be able to say your opions, but when you get mad or make other people mad and some times call them names, it time to put those post to an other site. Remember this site is mostly to help other ST owners and to meet those that own or like the ST.

Nelson don't give up on your meet. It would be great for those over there to meet other ST owners, since that can't come to those in the United States.

For those that bash others on here, go somewhere else.

These are only my thinking and I say this not to upset anyone or make them mad and if I did I am sorry. Let's not make this like some many other sites, where there is a lot of bashing and/ or calling people names.

to quote, "Why can't we be freinds?"
Todd, don't give up the ship. Just ignore the posts that are personal and if you chose to respond -- type it in word, save it, and revisit the next day. You may find you need to edit the response.

Nelson, I'll look you up if I make it over this summer -- some issues have come up and we not make it over there as planned, but I will be in Europe in 09 and if I get to the area you are in, we will hook up -- I'll treat my favorite ex-ST owning zoomie to lunch:)

Todd, your from NY?

Man,,, no wonder...

Hey,,, just trying to break things up a bit and get a chuckle..

All, hang in there, it will work out. There is no better site, this is my home page for a reason!!!!
I've been to NY many times....used to work new contstruction at JFK, LGA and Newark airports. Been to Long Island a few times and even moved my ex G/F here who used to live in LI. Much of LI looks like how it is here in N Texas, but much easier to get to the coast
Hey Todd, you are a great asset to this site. If some dont like the fact of you co-owning it and sell trac parts. I see it as their problem. They can solve it if they dont come here anymore. If they dont come here anymore would probably be the best. They are most likley not contributing anything but bad attitude.

I look forward to the info you give. Even if I heard it already. Sometimes I need a reminder..;) Hang in there maybe it is either the honeymoon period or the 7 yr itch. I think it will get better. I have seen ups and downs since '04 when I joined. This group has always pulled through. I think Trac owners are a special breed. We have differences but we have the first type of a specialized truck. Makes us stronger..:D
Goodness! Wow! I just thought that Nelson was doing a nice jesture for the European folks that are members here and trying to show that he does support the site and the folks that own ST's there or anywhere. It DOES NOT MATTER if the guy does or does not own an ST, he has owned two of them in the past, and HE IS TRYING TO SHOW SUPPORT.

Everyone please, let this go, this is not what any of us really want. no more harsh words or harsh feelings. Lets all chalk the previous thread and all the posts as simple "misunderstandings" and move forward IN A POSITIVE WAY.

USN-ret :lol: i KNOW that face! He's "the long arm of the law!" :lol: Gotta love Barney Fife! ha ha ha!!
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Todd. Ignore the hypocrites. You guys are doing a fantastic job. I don't see anything has changed significantly since you guys took over. Being able to post "anything" is what makes this site special. That's why I've hung around for 6 years. Would be nice if certain people would "grow up" and learn to respect others but that just a reflection of our society in general. All popular forums suffer from this.

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