Family picture with the Trac. I'll add to this once Matthew is born.

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Jerry Gerner 2

Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2008
Reaction score
Pittsburgh, Pa
Thought I'd add this picture of my lifted Trac with my wife Carol 8 1/2 months pregnant with our son Matthew (due on October 18th) and Me-Jerry. Went and took some family photo's last week, this was one. OH yeah, I'm 6'6" so that tells you how tall my Trac stands.

[Broken External Image]:
Cool pic Jerry.!

Thanks and blessings for Matthews arival.

Annother adittion to the ST family...:supercool:
Mine was really good at that age.

Look forward to the new picture with you, your lovely wife, mathhew, and hopefully not a mini van.

Awesome pic Jerry! They make these cool car seats now that match your Trac's colors! LOL.:haveabeer: Best wishes and our prayers go out to you, your wife, and young Matthew.
Thanks everyone. We're finishing up all the last touches on the baby room and finding room for everything. This is our first but neither of us are strangers when it comes to babies and kids so were set in that dept. :love:
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