Fifty Bizarre U.S. Laws

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Sep 16, 2001
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Roseville/Sacramento, CA
Im Under Arrest for What? Fifty Bizarre U.S. Laws

By: Annie Tucker Morgan (View Profile)

Ive never claimed to have extensive knowledge of U.S. legislation throughout history, but its safe to say that I and most people I associate with are law-abiding citizens or not. As it turns out, every state in this country has at least one wacky legal stipulation that could land residents in hot water if they dont comply. Dont say I didnt warn you.


Its illegal to wear a fake mustache that causes laughter in church.


Whispering in someones ear while hes moose hunting is prohibited.


Cutting down a cactus may earn you a twenty-five-year prison term.


Its illegal to mispronounce the name of the state of Arkansas.


You may not eat an orange in your bathtub.


Its unlawful to lend your vacuum cleaner to your next-door neighbor (Denver).


A pickle cannot actually be a pickle unless it bounces.


Its illegal to get married on a dare.

Washington, D.C.

Its against the law to post a public notice calling someone a coward for refusing to accept a challenge to duel.


If you tie an elephant to a parking meter, you must pay the same parking fee as you would for a vehicle.


Its illegal to change the clothes on a storefront mannequin unless you draw the shades first.


All residents may be fined for not owning a boat.


A man must not give his sweetheart a box of candy weighing fewer than fifty pounds.


Its illegal to take a French poodle to the opera (Chicago).


The value of pi is 4, and not 3.1415.


One-armed piano players must perform for free.


Its illegal to throw knives at men wearing striped suits (Natoma).


Every citizen is required to take a shower once a year.


Biting someone with your natural teeth constitutes simple assault, but biting someone with your false teeth classifies as aggravated assault.


If you keep your Christmas decorations on display after January 14, youll be fined.


Its against the law to wash or scrub a sink, no matter how dirty it is (Baltimore).


No gorilla is allowed in the backseat of any car.


A woman may not cut her own hair without her husbands permission.


Its illegal to paint a sparrow with the intent of selling it as a parakeet (Harper Woods).


Walking a dog without dressing it in diapers is forbidden (Temperance).


Children may buy shotguns in Kansas City, but not toy cap guns.


Its a felony for a wife to open her husbands mail.


Bar owners may not sell beer unless they brew a kettle of soup simultaneously.


Its illegal for men with mustaches to kiss women.

New Hampshire

Its forbidden to sell the clothes youre wearing to pay off a gambling debt.

New Jersey

Its against the law for a man to knit during the fishing season.

New Mexico

Females may not appear unshaven in public.

New York

While riding in an elevator, you must talk to no one, fold your hands, and look toward the door.

North Carolina

Its against the law to sing off-key.

North Dakota

Its illegal to lie down and fall asleep with your shoes on.


You must honk the horn whenever you pass another car, according to the states drivers education manual.


Its forbidden to take a bite out of another persons hamburger.


State law requires dishes to be drip-dried.


Its illegal to sleep on top of a refrigerator outdoors.

Rhode Island

You may not bite off another persons leg.

South Carolina

If a man promises to marry an unmarried woman, he is required by law to keep his promise.

South Dakota

It is illegal to lie down and fall asleep in a cheese factory.


Selling hollow logs is strictly forbidden.


You may not shoot a buffalo from the second story of a hotel.


It is illegal not to drink milk.


Women must obtain written permission from their husbands to wear false teeth.


Tickling a woman is unlawful.


Its illegal to pretend that ones parents are wealthy.

West Virginia

If you make fun of someone who does not accept a challenge, you risk a six-month prison sentence.


Unless a customer specifically requests it, margarine may not be substituted for butter in a restaurant.


Unless you have an official permit, you may not take a picture of a rabbit from January to April.

This Court Is Adjourned

Whew! With all this legislation, its a wonder were not all sharing a prison cell right now. Granted, something tells me the Los Angeles Police Department has bigger fish to fry than popping people who dare to eat oranges while bathing, and that most people who saw me catching some shut-eye on top of a fridge in Pennsylvania wouldnt call the cops on me, but you never know when you might come across that rare whistle-blower who wants you persecuted to the fullest extent of the law, so its probably better to be safe than sorry. The next time I tie up my elephant at a parking meter in Florida, Ill be sure to bring a pocket full of quarters.

A friend of mine owned a Dairy Queen here in Wisconsin. I helped him out in the kitchen one summer when I was (ahem) off on disability. I noticed he served I Can't Believe It's Not Butter instead of butter. I told him that was illegal, but he didn't believe me, nor did he bother to research it. I don't think he cared.

One day, the state inspectors showed up for the health inspection. He was cited for not serving butter as the primary choice.

You must honk the horn whenever you pass another car, according to the states drivers education manual.

Misleading refrence to this law. By law, if you pass a vehicle on the left side such as a 2 lane highway, you are to sound your horn. on the interstate, this does not apply. Neither does streets with more than one lane in each direction.


If you keep your Christmas decorations on display after January 14, youll be fined.

Good thing thats not in Missouri.. There are two people within 2 blocks of my home that leave their Christmas decorations up for months afterwards. (One of them still has them up now)

The value of pi is 4, and not 3.1415.

ROFL, no wonder Indiana has a chronic Brain Drain problem. Terry Pratchett at least said we'd truncate it to 3...

New York

While riding in an elevator, you must talk to no one, fold your hands, and look toward the door.

This should be applied to bathrooms as well...and should then be adopted in Ontario as well. Substitute "door" with wall in front of you. :banghead:

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