flashers blown!!!!!

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tyler wright

Active Member
Jun 5, 2006
Reaction score
louisville, MS
i was replacing my clear corner lights today when i put one it worked but hen i pu the other one in it blue the flasher fuse wich slot is the fuse in
Dude, please start trying to use some type of punctuation. I know you aren't that stupid that you don't know what goes where. A period will give the reader a place to get his/her breath and it also seperates lines of thought.

A little grammer work will go a long way in getting your message answered in a short time.

I am not trying to be a jerk, but come on already!!!

Caymen, I say this in the nicest way I can. Just copy your post above into Word and run a spell checker/grammar checker on it. You will find red and green squiggly lines under a good portion of it, which indicate spelling and grammar errors.

I was able to read both of your posts with no problem. I think everyone needs to lighten up a bit here. There are several posts going on this weekend in which people are at each other's throats. This is only one week after the National Meet at which we all shared our love of the trucks we drive.
Lenny of St. Louis weighs in on the debate.


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Hey Tyler,

I have a 2001 Job 2 and the flasher fuse is located in the fuse box on the drivers side of the instrument panel facing the driver side door. The fuse is in slot 21. Hope this helps. If you have an owner's manual it has all the fuses' locations listed. Good luck.
Nelson, I never claim to spell correctly, that is why you must have missed one key word in the original sentence. I will quote it and then make the key word in bold...

Dude, please start trying to use some type of punctuation.

I was not asking for perfect punctuation or spelling. I was just requesting something to seperate thoughts and help him get a question asked. If that is wrong so be it.

As for Q, you are only a flash in the pan. A typical website Troll that gets your jolly's off the insults of others. You then get bored and go someone where else. Hang out as long as it makes you feel good about yourself. Trust me, when you leave, nobody will miss you. I have a feeling you will be joining the ranks of Bill Barber long before you get tired of hanging around here. That are plenty of people here that are more then willing to contact Rich Stern to get you banned.

Amazing how people find a way to argue over anything. Ok, the man doenst know grammEr. So what. OK, Caymen wants to see a little grammar when he reads a post, valid request. Don't you guys have anything better to do on Father's Day?
Caymen, before you start pointing fingers, you might want to read your own response before you hit REPLY. Although it is considerably better than Tyler's, yours could use some proofreading.
Caymen, before you start pointing fingers, you might want to read your own response before you hit REPLY. Although it is considerably better than Tyler's, yours could use some proofreading.

Aparently you didn't read either. With 53 posts too.

So in your eyes, the measure of a man's value is the number of posts. Incredibly narrow-minded. And by the way, apparently has two p's.
So in your eyes, the measure of a man's value is the number of posts. Incredibly narrow-minded.

Never said that, you did know what I said though. Could you understand what the original post said without reading it over and over?

Why didn't you, instead of giving him a lecture and this thread wouldn't have turned into a pi$$ing contest !!!!!!!!!!!
Because, unlike you, I did not understand anything he was asking and simply saying that a little punctuation, not spelling, would go a long way to helping others help him.

(Just for the record, I did check the previous comment and according to MS Word, it is correct.)

Thanks for saying I caused the pissing match. You found it necessary to add to the pissing contest therefore also keeping it alive. It is OK. It is easier to blame others then to blame yourself.

:lol: I've missed each and every one of you ha ha ha!

oh? Did anyone every help the guy? Never mind, yes someone did. :)
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If all else fails, reinstall the original light and see if it still works. You could have a defective light.